What is Validation?
Validation is the process of computing feedback for the user about the validity of their reasoning. It can be run on any LogicConcept, from a small one that represents only a single equation of arithmetic up to a large one that represents an entire document containing many theorems and proofs.
The word "reasoning" is used in a very broad sense here; there are many ways one can define validation and many meanings one can ascribe to symbols in a document (or no meaning at all in a toy system). But we will call the user's work "reasoning" because typically Lurch will be grading actual mathematical proofs, and the user will be doing some reasoning in any case in order to use even a toy system, even if the system itself has no meaning.
Because there can be many different ways to validate a document and its contents, this module lets the client install any number of validation tools. Some validation tools will be installed in this module by default, when the module is loaded, but the client can add others.
The user can also specify options for how validation tools should operate, either global options for this whole module, or options installed on individual LogicConcepts (for when that individual LogicConcept is validated), all using the setOptions() function.
Remove the validation options stored in a conclusion. The conclusion will have options stored in it if the client has used setOptions() on that conclusion. After calling this, a future call to getOptions() on the same conclusion will yield undefined.
the conclusion whose validation options should be deleted
Remove the validation result stored in a conclusion that has been validated before by one of this module's validation tools. If no validation result was stored there, this function does nothing.
the conclusion from which to remove any stored validation result
functionToTool(func) → {function}
A useful tool for converting pure validation functions into validation tools (that is, functions with the side effect of writing their results into the target object).
For example, let's say you have a function that can take as input any
expression in a simple toy system and return a validation result, either
{ result:'valid', reason:'...' }
or { result:'invalid', reason:'...' }
Call this function on it to produce a validation tool that you can install
in this module, and that will write its results into the appropriate
attribute of any target on which it is called.
a function that can take as input a target LogicConcept to validate, and an options object, and return a validation result object that should be stored in the target
a function that can serve as a validation tool; rather than just returning the validation results (as the input function does), it stores those results in the target object
For a general description of how validation options work, refer to the
documentation for the setOptions()
function. Calling this function with no arguments,
, returns the full set of module-level options.
Calling it with one argument, a conclusion, Validation.getOptions(C)
returns just those conclusion-specific options stored in that
installTool(name, func)
This module stores a collection of validation tools. Each such tool is a function with the following signature:
- Argument 1 is a target LogicConcept to be validated.
- Argument 2 is an options object, which this module guarantees will be the module-level validation options, possibly superceded by any options passed to the validate function, and further possibly overridden by options stored in the target itself.
- The function should store the validation results in the target. If you have a function that just returns validation results instead, you can easily convert it to one that writes its results into the target, using the convenient meta-function functionToTool(). If you are writing your own validation tool, you can write the results into a target using the setResult() function.
Each tool gets stored under a name chosen by the client, so that the tool can be referred to later by this name as a unique ID. Installing another tool later with the same name overwrites the previous.
If this is the first tool installed in this module, it will immediately become the default. You can change this later using the setOptions() function; see its documentation for further details.
the name by which this tool will be called, and under which it will be stored in this module
the function that will be run when the tool is used; it will be called on the conclusion to be validated
installedTool(name) → {function}
This is the corresponding getter function for the installTool() function. Anything installed with that function can later be looked up with this one.
the name of the tool, as it was initially installed by installTool()
the tool with the given name, or undefined if there was no such tool
installedToolNames() → {Array.<string>}
This module is a collection of validation tools, which are installed using the installTool() function, each under a unique name. This function returns that list of unique names.
an array of the names of all validation tools installed in this module
result(target) → {Object}
Read the validation result stored in a conclusion that has been validated before by one of this module's validation tools, and return it, or return undefined if no validation result is stored in the given conclusion.
the conclusion in which to look up the stored validation result
any validation result stored previously using setResult(), or undefined if none is stored
When validation is performed on a conclusion, using validate(), it will compute the relevant options to be passed to the validation tool as follows. First, look up any options stored in this module, and second, look up any options stored in the conclusion to be validated, overwriting the module-level options with the conclusion-specific ones in the case of any conflicts. The resulting set of options is given to the validate() routine.
This function can be used to change options either at the module level,
by calling setOptions( key1, value1, key2, value2, ... )
, or for a
specific conclusion, by calling
setOptions( conclusion, key1, value1, key2, value2, ... )
Although most options will be specific to the validation tool being used,
one essential option that matters in all cases is which validation tool
to use for the conclusion. That option has the simple key "tool"
, so
you can set it for a conclusion with code such as
Validation.setOptions( conclusion, 'tool', 'tool name here' )
. But it is
inconvenient to do this for every conclusion in a large
LogicConcept, so it is preferable to be able to set a
default validation tool that will be used when the conclusion does not
specify one. Since module-level options are the defaults or "fallbacks"
when a conclusion doesn't have an option specified, just set a module-level
tool with code such as Validation.setOptions( 'tool', 'tool name here' )
setResult(target, result)
Store the results of a validation tool in the conclusion that was validated. Validation results are a JavaScript object amenable to JSON storage, and having the following keys (some optional, some required).
- any string representing the validation result, though the only officially supported ones at the moment are"valid"
(meaning the user's work is correct),"invalid"
(meaning the user's work has a mistake), and"indeterminate"
(meaning that Lurch cannot find the answer, perhaps because of limited computing resources or some ambiguity in the user's input)reason
- any string representing the reason for why the validation result was what it was. We leave it up to the author of the validation tool how to use this attribute, but we recommend using short English phrases as error codes that can be looked up in a larger dictionary of detailed descriptions. For example, you might use"No such reason"
or"Too many premises"
or any other simple phrase.- Any other keys in the object are optional, and can be used at the discretion of the author of the validation tool to store whatever other information will help Lurch give helpful feedback to the user.
Example validation result:
"result" : "invalid",
"reason" : "Too many premises",
"formula cited" : "conjunction introduction",
"num premises needed" : 2,
"num premises cited" : 4
the conclusion into which to store the given data as its validation result
data that can be stored in JSON form, representing the validation result for the given
, using the format described above
validate(L, optionsopt)
This function computes the validation result for any given
LogicConcept L
and stores it in L
's validation attribute. It
prioritizes various sets of options as follows.
- If the options stored in the LogicConcept
itself, obtained by calling Validation.getOptions( L ), give us a validation tool, then we call it onL
and store its result inL
. - Otherwise, if the second parameter to the validation function (an
options object) specifies which tool to use, that one is used to compute
the result. We call that validation tool and store its result in
. - If even that does not specify a tool, we fall back on the global options
stored in the Validation module, fetched by
calling Validation.getOptions().
If that gives us a validation tool, call it on
and store its result inL
. - No tool is available, so we store in
a validation result object with result "indeterminate" and reason stating that no validation tool was available forL
This function computes the validation result afresh every time it is called. See other functions below for how to read cache validation results.
the LogicConcept to validate
an options object to pass on to any validation tool called by this routine
- setResult()
- getResult()