* #### Prepare an LC for Global $n$-compact Validation
* In the current implementation of global n-compact validation we currently
* make many simplifying assumptions about the nature of a document. But they
* are hard to keep track of when just defined, but not codified. So we
* include here routines for the phase of processing that moves things around
* and computes js attributes that are required for validation.
* Interpret an LC as a document. It does the following, in order.
* - addSystemDeclarations(doc)
* - processShorthands(doc)
* - moveDeclaresToTop(doc)
* - processTheorems(doc)
* - processDeclarationBodies(doc)
* - processLetEnvironments(doc)
* - processBindings(doc)
* - processRules(doc)
* - assignProperNames(doc)
* - markDeclaredSymbols(doc)
* Note: Global $n$-compact validation assumes a document
* has been interpreted before trying to validate and will interpret it first
* if you try to validate it and it hasn't been already.
* @module Interpretation
// Imports
// import { Application } from '../application.js'
// import { Environment } from '../environment.js'
// import { Declaration } from '../declaration.js'
// import { Symbol as LurchSymbol } from '../symbol.js'
// import { Formula } from '../formula.js'
// import { BindingExpression } from '../binding-expression.js'
import {
Application, Environment, Expression, Declaration, LurchSymbol,
BindingExpression, Formula
} from '../index.js'
import { processShorthands } from './parsing.js'
import Utilities from './utils.js'
const { subscript } = Utilities
const instantiation = 'LDE CI'
// import the LDE options
import { LurchOptions } from './lurch-options.js'
* ### Interpret
* This takes a raw user's document as an LC environment and preprocesses it in
* preparation for validation. It does the following:
* - addSystemDeclarations(doc)
* - processShorthands(doc)
* - moveDeclaresToTop(doc)
* - processTheorems(doc)
* - processDeclarationBodies(doc)
* - processLetEnvironments(doc)
* - processBindings(doc)
* - processRules(doc)
* - assignProperNames(doc)
* - markDeclaredSymbols(doc)
* When it is finished it marks the document as interpreted.
* @param {Environment} doc - the raw user's document as an LC environment
const interpret = doc => {
// just return if it's already interpreted
if (doc.interpreted) return
// mark it as interpreted
doc.interpreted = true
return doc
// Structural Changing Utilities
* Add system declarations to the top of the document. These are reserved
* symbols that the user is not allowed to use. Currently they are
* 'LDE EFA' and '➤'.
const addSystemDeclarations = doc => {
new Declaration(
[new LurchSymbol('LDE EFA'), new LurchSymbol('➤')]
).asA('given').asA('Declare') )
return doc
/** Move `Declare` declarations to the top of the document. */
const moveDeclaresToTop = doc => {
doc.getDeclares().reverse().forEach( dec => {
// if (dec.body()) {
// write(dec)
// console.log(dec.body())
// // throw new Error('Global constant declarations cannot have a body.')
// }
return doc
* ### Process the user's theorems
* If a user specifies that a claim Environment is a `Theorem`, he is declaring
* that he wants to use it as a `Rule` after that (if we enable the option to
* allow users to enter `Theorems`... otherwise just let them enter them as
* ordinary claim environments like proofs that aren't marked asA `Theorem` but
* can be formatted as such).
* But we want to mark his theorem as valid or invalid just like any other proof
* in addition to using it as a `Rule`. To accomplish this, we make an
* invisible copy of the Theorem immediately following the theorem, make that a
* formula, and label it as a `Rule` for future use. This does not have to be
* done if the Theorem has no metavariables as a `Rule` because it would be
* redundant. When a Rule copy of the user's Theorem is inserted it does not
* have to be marked as a given since it has no prop form, but its
* instantiations do. We flag the inserted `Rule` version of the Theorem as
* `.userThm` to distinguish it from ordinary `Rules`.
* This has to be done after processing Shorthands and moving Declares to the
* top so the user's theorems are in the scope of declared constants in the
* library, which then prevents them from being metavariables.
* If `LurchOptions.swapTheoremProofPairs` is true, and a Proof is the next
* sibling of the Theorem, swap the two of them first before inserting the
* `.userThm` Rule. This prevents the Theorem from being used in its own proof,
* which is done correctly if you don't swap them but is counterintuitive
* because mathematicians don't usually expect it to follow the rules of
* accessibilty in that situation.
const processTheorems = doc => {
thm => {
// to make this idempotent, check if the rule copy is already there
if ( thm.nextSibling()?.userRule ) { return }
// now check if you have to swap it with the next sibling if the next
// sibling is a Proof
if ( LurchOptions.swapTheoremProofPairs &&
thm.nextSibling()?.isA('Proof') ) {
// theorem environments should always have a parent, at minimum, the
// document itself
const parent = thm.parent()
const i = thm.indexInParent()
// just move the proof where the theorem is
// make a formula copy of the thm
let thmrule = Formula.from(thm)
// if it doesn't have any metavars there's no need for it
if ( Formula.domain(thmrule).size === 0 ) { return }
// if it does, change it from a Theorem to a Rule
// mark it for easy identification later
thmrule.userRule = true
// initialize it's creators array
thmrule.creators = []
// and insert it after the theorem
return doc
* Process Declaration Bodies
* Append a copy of the bodies of all declarations immediately after its Declaration.
const processDeclarationBodies = doc => {
// get the declarations with a body (hence the 'true') that don't contain
// metavariables (do this before converting a Rule to a formula)
const decs = doc.declarations(true).filter( dec => Formula.domain(dec).size===0)
// insert a copy of the body after the declaration and mark where it came from
// with the js attribute .bodyOf, unless it's already there
decs.forEach( dec => {
// if its already there, we're done
if ( dec.nextSibling()?.bodyOf === dec ) { return }
let decbody = dec.body().copy()
if (dec.isA('given')) decbody.makeIntoA('given')
decbody.bodyOf = dec
return doc
* Process Let Environments
* Get the `Let`'s. If they don't start an environment, wrap them to make a valid
* Let-environment. We make this restriction, so that a Let-env is a type of LC
* that can be used as a rule premise and can only be satisfied by another
* Let-env. We don't upgrade that to a subclass for now.
* TODO: consider upgrading let-envs to a subclass of environment
const processLetEnvironments = doc => {
// Get all of the Let's whether or not they have bodies and make sure they are
// the first child of their enclosing environment. If not, wrap their scope
// in an environment so that they are.
doc.lets().forEach( dec => {
const i = dec.indexInParent()
const parent = dec.parent()
if (i) parent.insertChild( new Environment(...parent.children().slice(i)) , i )
* Rename Bindings for Alpha Equivalence
* Make all bindings canonical by assigning ProperNames `x₀, x₁, ...` to the
* bound variables in order.
const processBindings = doc => {
doc.statements().forEach( expr => renameBindings( expr ))
return doc
* Process Rules
* Check all of `Rules` to ensure they are the right type of LC. Convert them into
* formulas. If they have metavariables, mark them `.ignore` so they have no prop form. If they don't mark them as an `Inst`. Replace and rename their bound variables to `y₀, y₁, ...` to avoid classes with user variables with the same name.
const processRules = doc => {
// get all of the Rules
doc.getRules().forEach( f => {
// check if f is not an Environment, or is a Let-environment, and throw
// an error either way
if (!f instanceof Environment || f.isALetEnvironment() )
throw new Error('A rule must be an environment that is not a Let-environment.')
// it's not, so convert it to a formula
// the second arg specifies it should be done in place
// if it has metavariables, ignore it as a proposition
if (Formula.domain(f).size>0) { f.ignore = true
// otherwise mark it as an Instantiation (sort of an identity instantiation)
} else {
f.rule = f
f.creators = []
f.pass = 0
// replace all bound variables with y₀, y₁, ... etc and rename them to
// ProperNames x₀, x₁, ... etc to make them canonical
f.statements().forEach( expr => {
replaceBindings( expr , 'y' )
// TODO: this might be redundate if we run the previous routine first
renameBindings( expr )
} )
} )
* Assign Proper Names
* Rename any symbol declared by a declaration with body by appending the putdown
* form of their body. Rename any symbol in the scope of a Let-without body by
* appending a tick mark.
* For bodies that have a binding we want to use the alpha-equivalent canonical
* form.
const assignProperNames = doc => {
const metavariable = "LDE MV"
// get the declarations with a body (hence the 'true') which is an expression
let declarations = doc.declarations(true)
// rename all of the declared symbols with body that aren't metavars
declarations.forEach( decl => {
decl.symbols().filter(s=>!s.isA(metavariable)).forEach( c => {
// Compute the new ProperName
c.text()+'#'+decl.body().toPutdown((L,S,A)=>S)) //.prop())
// apply it to all c's in it's scope
decl.scope().filter( x => x instanceof LurchSymbol && x.text()===c.text())
.forEach(s => s.setAttribute('ProperName',c.getAttribute('ProperName')))
// if it is an instantiation it is possible that some of the declarations
// without bodies have been instantiated with ProperNames already (from the
// user's expressions) that are not the correct ProperNames for the
// instantiation, so we fix them.
// TODO: merge this with the code immediately above.
declarations = doc.declarations().filter( x => x.body()===undefined )
declarations.forEach( decl => {
decl.symbols().filter(s=>!s.isA(metavariable)).forEach( c => {
// Compute the new ProperName
c.setAttribute('ProperName', c.text())
// apply it to all c's in it's scope
decl.scope().filter( x => x instanceof LurchSymbol && x.text()===c.text())
.forEach(s => s.setAttribute('ProperName',c.getAttribute('ProperName')))
// Now add tick marks for all symbols declared with Let's.
doc.lets().forEach( decl => {
decl.symbols().filter(s=>!s.isA(metavariable)).forEach( c => {
// Compute the new ProperName
let cname = c.properName()
if (!cname.endsWith("'")) c.setAttribute( 'ProperName' , cname + "'" )
c.declaredBy = decl
// apply it to all c's in it's scope
decl.scope().filter( x => x instanceof LurchSymbol && x.text()===c.text())
.forEach( s => {
s.declaredBy = decl
* Replace bound variables in formulas
* Matching checks if a match would violate variable capture, but
* `Formula.instantiate` does not. So we need to turn all bound variables in
* formulas to a canonical form e.g. `y₀, y₁, ...` that cannot be entered by the
* user. Applying this to formulas before instantiating fixes that.
* * When making this permanent, just upgrade Formula.instantiate to respect
* ProperNames so we can delete this routine and just use the previous one
* instead.
* * Also enforce the requirement that user's can't enter any of `y₀, y₁, ...` .
* * We might want to keep the user's original bound formula variable names
* somewhere for feedback purposes, but the canonical ones aren't that bad for
* now.
* @param {Expression} expr - The expression to process
* @param {string} [symb='y'] - The symbol to use for the replacement
const replaceBindings = ( expr , symb='y' ) => {
const stack = new Map()
const push = () => stack.forEach( value => value.push( value.last() ) )
const pop = () => stack.forEach( ( value, key ) => {
if ( value.length > 0 ) value.pop()
else stack.delete( key )
} )
const get = name => stack.has( name ) ? stack.get( name ).last()
: undefined
const set = ( name, newname ) => {
if ( stack.has( name ) ) {
const array = stack.get( name )
array[array.length-1] = newname
} else {
stack.set( name, [ newname ] )
let counter = 0
const solve = e => {
if ( e instanceof LurchSymbol && stack.has(e.text()) )
e.rename( get( e.text() ) )
if ( e instanceof BindingExpression ) {
e.boundSymbolNames().forEach( name => {
set( name, `${symb}${subscript(counter)}` )
e.children().forEach( c => solve(c) )
if ( e instanceof Application)
e.children().forEach( c => solve(c) )
solve( expr )
* Rename bound variables for alpha equivalence
* We also need alpha equivalent statements to have the same propositional form.
* This assigns canonical names x₀ , x₁ , etc. as the ProperName attribute of
* bound variables, and that is what .prop uses to make the propositional form.
* @param {Expression} expr - The expression to process
* @param {string} [symb='x'] - The symbol to use for the replacement
const renameBindings = ( expr , symb='x' ) => {
const stack = new Map()
const push = () => stack.forEach( value => value.push( value.last() ) )
const pop = () => stack.forEach( ( value, key ) => {
if ( value.length == 0 ) stack.delete( key )
} )
const get = name => stack.has( name ) ? stack.get( name ).last()
: undefined
const set = ( name, newname ) => {
if ( stack.has( name ) ) {
const array = stack.get( name )
array[array.length-1] = newname
} else {
stack.set( name, [ newname ] )
let counter = 0
const solve = e => {
if ( e instanceof LurchSymbol && stack.has(e.text()) )
e.setAttribute( 'ProperName' , get( e.text() ) )
if ( e instanceof BindingExpression ) {
let savecounter = counter
e.boundSymbolNames().forEach( name => {
set( name, `${symb}${subscript(counter)}` )
e.children().forEach( c => solve(c) )
counter = savecounter
if ( e instanceof Application)
e.children().forEach( c => solve(c) )
solve( expr )
// TODO: These next two are not complete. Complete them or delete them.
// We keep a list of js attribute names that are used by validation. Since
// these are computed from the original content of the LC supplied by the user
// having this list lets us reset the entire LC by removing these attributes and
// recomputing them to revalidate it from scratch when we need to.
const computedAttributes = [
'constant', 'properName'
// Reset all of the attributes computed by these interpretation utilities.
// NOTE: it might be faster to just rebuild and recompute the whole document
// from source, but we put this here just in case it's needed.
const resetComputedAttributes = doc => {
[...doc.descendantsIterator()].forEach( x => {
computedAttributes.forEach( a => delete x[a])
return doc
* Mark Declared Symbols
* Mark explicitly declared symbols `s, throughout an LC by setting
* `s.constant=true`. Symbols consisting of a string of digits are automatically
* marked as constants.
* @param {LurchDocument} [target] - The target
const markDeclaredSymbols = ( target ) => {
// get the document
const doc = target.root()
// if the text of the constants is cached in an array in doc.constants, fetch
// it, otherwise compute it
if (!doc.constants) {
doc.constants = new Set(doc.getDeclares().map(x=>x.children().map(kid=>kid.text())).flat())
// fetch all of the symbols in the target
let symbols = target.descendantsSatisfying( x => x instanceof LurchSymbol )
// for each one, see if it is in the scope of any Declare declaration of that symbol
symbols.forEach( s => {
if ( /^\d+$/.test(s.text()) || doc.constants.has(s.text())) s.constant = true
return target
export default { interpret, processShorthands, moveDeclaresToTop, processTheorems,
processDeclarationBodies, processLetEnvironments, processBindings,
processRules, assignProperNames, markDeclaredSymbols, replaceBindings,