* #### Global polynomial time n-compact Validation
* This file contains the code for the Global n-compact validation algorithm
* itself, along with tools designed to work with it. The main purpose of this
* module is to define the `validate()` function, which can be called with
* different options set in the `LurchOptions` object.
* @module GlobalValidation
// TODOs:
// * For each attribute we use, decide whether it should be stored cached as a
// permanent LC attribute or a normal js object attribute before moving to
// the repo. One challenge with this is that LC attributes are the only ones
// that get copied when using .copy(), so that limits where you can put an
// attribute depending on if you do/do not want to .copy() it when making
// copies.
// * Optimizations: for a rule like symmetry of equality, it will ALWAYS be
// instantiated twice for every equation in the user's doc. Figure some way
// to improve that situation in general.
// * Eliminate, replace, or improve on BIHs.
// * Add "Consider" options that are force-matched to lone metavariable and
// EFAs.
// * When an EFA has a parameter that is partially instantiated, leverage
// that by allowing it to match expressions that contain the partial
// instantiations.
// * Along these lines, one 'strategy' is to consider 'BIH-makers', namely
// what kinds of natural, minimal things can a user enter when doing, say,
// substitution, that would be a tiny enough hint that Lurch could
// construct an entire BIH from it?
// * Consider speeding up matching in several ways.
// * Allow an option to eliminate the constant lambda expression as a
// solution.
// * Allow an option to efficiently solve 'Weeny' matching problems. e.g.,
// if (@ P c) where P is a metavar and c is a constant is matched to e, and
// e does not contain c, return the constant solution (or none if the
// previous option is enabled). If e only has one instance of c, there's
// only one solution, so return that without recursing. If it has two
// instances there are four solutions, so return those. Three have eight.
// That should cover about 99% of the cases.
// * Design a generic way to use multiple validation tools in the same document
// so they work well together. For example, to have a CAS rule work with
// this 501 validation tool we might insert a placeholder formula like `:{
// CASRule }` and when an expression is supposed to be validated by the CAS
// rule it can put 'instantiations' after that formula to make a valid CAS
// expression validate propositionally.
// * The following algorithm makes several passes through the entire document
// to process each step/phase separately for testing and experimenting. It
// might be more efficient to make one pass through the entire document,
// modifying everything as you go. Update: initial benchmarks seem to
// indicate that ALL of the computation time is coming from finding all of
// the instantiations, so this probably doesn't matter. Furthermore, initial
// tests seem to indicate that that in an interactive UI almost everything
// this algorithm does will be almost instantaneous. So optimization would
// mainly only affect batch mode instantiation of a large document from
// scratch.
// * Sometimes an instantiation will instantiate the variable in a Let with a
// constant, either directly or indirectly, e.g. `Let 0'`. This doesn't seem
// to hurt anything but it makes for stupid instantiations, and might speed
// things up if we eliminate it.
// * For rules like transitivity, e.g. :{ :x=y y=z x=z }, if used successfully
// they get instantiated six times, once for each pair of metavariables, but
// produce the same instantiation, plus a lot more. However, these rules do
// not have a forbidden expression like the metavar W or (@ P x), so they
// don't automatically require a BIH. But it is clearly nice to have such
// rules. So add an attribute marking it as 'inefficient', and treat Rule or
// Part containing only a forbidden W or (@ P x) as a special case of
// 'inefficient' so that in every case a BIH is required.
// * Make a substitution tool that does the following.
// - find any expressions of the form A~B (i.e., (~ A B)) where ~ is a
// reflexive relation like =. ≤ etc, and A and B are expressions.
// - compute the expression diff() between A and B, and see if there is a
// nontrivial possible substitution, e.g. X=Y, that when applied to A~A
// would produce A~B via substitution.
// - add the instantiations
// :{ A~A } (of the reflexive rule for ~)
// and
// :{ :X=Y :A~A A~B } (of the substitution rule for =)
// - do this for all expressions of the form A~B in the document. This gives
// us the main logic behind substitution by skipping the annoying
// substitution BIHs for propositional expressions of this form.
// - make a similar tool for other common propositions to specify
// substitutions, e.g.
// `Substituting x=y in ∀z,f(x,y)<z yeilds ∀z,f(y,y)<z`
// - we may want to then add a special way to declare reflexive operators
// rather than just inserting the various reflexive rules, e.g.,
// reflexive_operator(=.≤,⊆)
// * When the user enters a rule, it might be the case that they have used a
// metavariable as both the function name in an EFA (like the P in 𝜆P(x))
// and also as a non-EFA metavar (as in just P(z) instead of 𝜆P(z)). We
// probably should check that it doesn't do that.
// * Along similar lines, we should check that instantiations don't create, e.g.
// Insts that have a bound constant or other idiosyncracies.
// import Algebrite
import Algebrite from '../../dependencies/algebrite.js'
const compute = Algebrite.run
// import LDE tools
// import { LogicConcept } from '../logic-concept.js'
// import { Expression } from '../expression.js'
// import { Symbol as LurchSymbol } from '../symbol.js'
// import { isAnEFA } from '../matching/expression-functions.js'
// import { Declaration } from '../declaration.js'
// import { Environment } from '../environment.js'
// import { Problem } from "../matching/problem.js"
import CNF from '../validation/conjunctive-normal-form.js'
// import Formula from '../formula.js'
// import Scoping from '../scoping.js'
// import Validation from '../validation.js'
import {
LogicConcept, Expression, Declaration, Environment, LurchSymbol,
Matching, Formula, Scoping, Validation, Application, BindingExpression
} from '../index.js'
import { isArithmetic, arithmeticToCAS } from './parsing.js'
const Problem = Matching.Problem
const isAnEFA = Matching.isAnEFA
// import experimental tools
import Interpret from './interpret.js'
const { markDeclaredSymbols, renameBindings, assignProperNames, interpret } = Interpret
// import experimental utilities
import Utils from './utils.js'
const commonInitialSlice = Utils.commonInitialSlice
// profile it iff running in Lode
const profile = (globalThis.global) ? Utils.profile : f=>f()
// import the LDE options
import { LurchOptions } from './lurch-options.js'
// Convenience Utilities
const instantiation = 'LDE CI'
const metavariable = 'LDE MV'
const EFA = 'LDE EFA'
// Debug is a global boolean
const time = (description) => { if (Debug) console.time(description) }
const timeEnd = (description) => { if (Debug) console.timeEnd(description) }
* ## Validate!
* This is the main routine! It requires that doc is an LC environment that has
* already been interpreted, so if it has not, then it runs interpret() first.
* It then runs all available validation tools that are compatible with
* n-compact global validation. Finally, it runs global validation algorithm
* itself, and returns the modified document with feedback stored in the various
* locations.
* The optional second argument specifies which inference in the document should
* be validated, and defaults to checking the entire document. The optional
* third argument determines if it should additionally check for preemies and
* defaults to true. It defaults to the entire document.
* This function can be called with various different options set. But rather
* than trying to pass the options object along the chain of computation as an
* optional argument, we just set a global `LurchOptions` object. This allows
* The current validation tools available are the BIH tool, the Equations tool,
* the Cases tool, and Scoping tool. These can be toggled or customized via the
* settings object. In general, this routine provides the hook for installing
* new n-compact global validation compatible tools in the future. Validation
* tools can add validation feedback and add additional complete instantiations
* to the document, and can be run before or after instantiation, but should not
* add new `Rules`.
* @see {@link LurchOptions LurchOptions}
* @param {Environment} doc - the user's document as an LC environment
* @param {Environment} target - the inference to validate
const validate = ( doc, target = doc , scopingMethod = Scoping.declareWhenSeen ) => {
// if the target is the full document, check if the document contains anything
// marked with attribute 'target:true', and if so make the first occurrence of
// that thing the target
if (target===doc) {
const proof = doc.descendantsSatisfyingIterator(x=>x.getAttribute('target'))
if (proof) {
// interpret it if it hasn't been already (the interpret routine checks)
profile(()=>interpret( doc ),'interpret')
// process the domains (if they aren't already)
profile(()=>processDomains(doc),'process domains')
// Here is the location to install new validation tools that are compatible
// with global validation in the future.
// BIHs
profile(()=>processBIHs(doc),'process BIHs')
// Proof by Cases
profile(()=>processCases(doc),'process Cases')
// while this idea works in general for any forbidden Weeny formula, it's not
// efficent because there are way more ways to match something like f(x+1,y-2)
// to 𝜆P(y) than to a single metavar U processCases(doc,'Substitution'). But
// it can work for single metavariable weeny, since that only creates one
// instantiation.
// CAS
// we currently are using Algebrite for the CAS but this tool will work with
// any CAS. This is not used by default, but we keep it for future reference.
// See Algebra and Arithmetic tools below.
// processCAS(doc)
// 'Rule' Tools
// The following tools all become available iff the appropriate specialized
// Rule is in the document context.
// Chains
// Rule: { ChainsRule }
profile(()=>processChains(doc),'process Equations')
// Equations
// Rule: { EquationsRule }
// profile(()=>processEquations(doc),'process Equations')
// Arithmetic
// Rule: { ArithmeticRule(x) } where x ∈ { ℕ, ℤ, ℚ, ℝ, ℂ }.
// Reason: 'by arithmetic in x'
// If the reson is truncated to just 'by arithmetic' it uses the first
// arithmetic rule in the document.
// Determines if Algebrite thinks a statement of arithmetic is valid in the
// given number system.
// Arithmetic in ℕ: +,⋅,^,!,=,<,≤.
// Arithmetic in ℤ: +,⋅,^,=,<,≤,- and second arg of ^ nonnegative.
// Arithmetic in ℚ: +,⋅,^,=,<,≤.-,/ and denominators nonzero.
// Arithmetic in ℝ (or ℂ): for now just uses the Algebra rule.
profile(()=>processArithmetic(doc),'process Arithmetic')
// Algebra
// Rule: { AlgebraRule }
// Reason: 'by algebra'
// Currently only evaluates algebraic identities. An equation of the form
// LHS=RHS is valid by asking Algebrite if (LHS)-(RHS) evaluates to zero.
profile(()=>processAlgebra(doc),'process Algebra')
// instantiate with the user content (if it isn't already) this also caches
// the list of user propositions and the document catalog. This must be done
// after the tools above in case they instantiate a 'Part' that then is used
// for further instantiation (e.g. as with the Cases tool)
// Scoping
profile(()=>Scoping.validate(doc, scopingMethod ),'Scoping')
// Caching
// cache the let-scopes in the root (if the aren't)
if (!doc.letScopes) doc.letScopes = doc.scopes()
// cache the catalog in the root
if (!doc.cat) doc.cat = doc.catalog()
// when its all complete mark the declared symbols again (this is fast, so no
// need to do it too carefully)
profile(()=>markDeclaredSymbols(doc),'Mark Declared Symbols')
// Prop Check
if (LurchOptions.validateall) {
profile(()=>doc._validateall( target ),'validate all')
if (LurchOptions.checkPreemies) doc._validateall( target , true )
} else {
profile(()=>doc._validate( target ),'validate target')
if (LurchOptions.checkPreemies) doc._validate( target , true )
// For debugging purposes, before leaving, rename all of the ProperNames to
// something human-readable.
// TODO: maybe improve or eliminate this in the future
profile(()=>tidyProperNames(doc),'tidy Proper Names')
// re-cache the catalog, since these are new prop names
doc.cat = doc.catalog()
return doc
* Cache all Domains
* For efficiency, mark all of the expressions in formulas with their domains
* (the set of metavariable text names) for easy lookup. This assumes that the
* metavariables have been marked during interpretation. We also mark the formula
* with its maximally Weeny expressions, and its domain size while we are
* caching stuff for easy access later.
* This routine applies `cacheFormulaDomainInfo` to all formulas in the document.
// TODO:
// * maybe the above information should be saved with the Library itself so it
// only has to be computed once. But that may not help much because partial
// instantiations still need to have it computed. Check how much of
// the processing time is being used for this.
const processDomains = doc => {
// make it idempotent
if (doc.domainsProcessed) { return }
doc.formulas().forEach(f => {
// If there are no metavariables in this formula, instantiate it so it is
// available for validation.
if (f.domain.size === 0) {
// let inst=f.copy()
// assignProperNames(inst)
// and mark the document as having been processed so we don't call this more
// than once
doc.domainsProcessed = true
* Cache the domain information for a formula. This is called by
* `processDomains` to apply it to the entire document.
const cacheFormulaDomainInfo = f => {
let max = 0
f.propositions().forEach(p => {
if (!forbiddenWeeny(p)) {
p.domain = Formula.domain(p)
max = Math.max(max, p.domain.size)
} else {
p.domain = undefined
// the js Set of text names of the metavariables
f.domain = Formula.domain(f)
// if it has no metavariables, or the only remaining metavariables are
// forbidden, it can't be instantiated, so mark it finished.
// Note that max===0 is not the same as f.domain.size===0 because of
// forbidden lone metavariables
if (max === 0) f.finished = true
// boolean that is true iff f is Weeny
f.isWeeny = (f.domain.size === max && max > 0)
// the array of maximally Weeny expressions in this formula (whether or not
// it is Weeny). Don't add any when max===0 or you can match already
// partially instantiated expressions with the same expression when
// forbidden metavars are still present but max===0.
f.weenies = f.propositions().filter(p =>
max > 0 && p.domain && (p.domain.size === max))
* Check if an expression is forbidden as a Weeny. Currently we don't try to
* match user expressions to a pattern that is a single metavariable or EFA that
* is not partially instantiated because they match everything. This causes some
* rules, like or- or substitution, to require another validation tool like BIH,
* Cases, or Equations.
* Note that for EFA's it is ok if the expression is partially instantiated, so
* that it's not enough just for it to be an EFA. For example, in the
* substitution rule, both the premise and conclusion is of the form @P(x) where
* bot P and x are metaviarables. But if the premise that is the equation is
* instantiated first to create a partial instantiation of the rule, then the x
* will be replaced by an expression not containing any metavariables which is
* MUCH more efficient for matching. For example, in an expression like
* `(-(z*y)+z*x)+z*y = z*y+(-(z*y)+z*x)`
* (an actual example) trying to match that expression to @P(x) where x and P
* are metavars produces a whopping 191 matches. But trying to match it to
* e.g. @P(z*y), only produces 16 matches... much more manageable.
* The LurchOptions.avoidLoneMetavars and LurchOptions.avoidLoneEFAs options can
* be used to change the behavior of this function in the corresponding manner.
* They are both true by default.
const forbiddenWeeny = L =>
// if we are told to not forbid anything either as an attribute or option
// then return false
!(L.root().getAttribute('instantiateEverything') ||
) &&
// otherwise check each case
// it's an Environment
( L instanceof Environment ) ||
// or we are avoiding lone metavars and it is one
( LurchOptions.avoidLoneMetavars &&
(L instanceof LurchSymbol)
) ||
// or we are avoiding LoneEFAs except for the subsitutition rule when the
// conclusion is partially instantiated, and in that case only the conclusion
// is checked against a user proposition that is flagged 'by substitution' for
// efficiency, since that will determine P for the premise.
( LurchOptions.avoidLoneEFAs &&
isAnEFA(L) &&
( !L.isA('Subs') ||
!L.children().slice(1).some(kid =>
kid.hasDescendantSatisfying( x =>
(x instanceof LurchSymbol) && !x.isA(metavariable)
) ||
// don't match x∈A when A is a metavariable because almost every
// statment in a typical Set Theory proof has this form and will match
( LurchOptions.avoidLoneElementOfs &&
L instanceof Application && L.child(0) instanceof LurchSymbol &&
L.child(0).text()==='∈' && L.child(2) instanceof LurchSymbol &&
* Process BIHs
* Go through and create the appropriate instantiations from the Blatant Hints
* in document `L`, mark each as BIH-valid or not, and insert the relevant
* instantiation when they are BIH-valid. Note that we are keeping track of
* the distinction between being propositionally valid, and being BIH-valid.
* Namely, a particular environment, marked as a `BIH`, could be propositionally
* valid in the user's document, but not a `BIH`. e.g. `{ :P (⇒ P P)} <<` would be
* propositionally valid in a document that depends on Prop lib but not an
* instatiation of the `⇒+` rule.
const processBIHs = doc => {
// check LurchOptions
if (!LurchOptions.processBIHs) return
// since this is a separate tool, we don't care if a formula has been
// .finished for prop instantiation, so we pass the argument true.
const formulas = doc.formulas(true)
const BIH = [...doc.descendantsSatisfyingIterator(x => x.isA('BIH'))]
BIH.forEach(b => {
let found = false
formulas.forEach(f => {
const toggle = matchGivens(f, b);
try {
;[...Formula.allPossibleInstantiations(f, b)].forEach(s => {
found = true
const inst = Formula.instantiate(f, s)
if (toggle) inst.toggleGiven()
if (!f.creators) f.creators = []
// A BIH should not be made from a Part but we do this for consistency
// for now
inst.rule = f.rule || f
inst.part = f
inst.creators = [ ...f.creators, b ]
Formula.addCachedInstantiation(f, inst)
} catch { }
if (toggle) { f.toggleGiven() }
// if it's not a BIH, mark it as such with .badBIH
// TODO: remove this eventually when we make the switch
if (!found) { b.badBIH = true }
// TODO: switch over to this
return doc
* Match Givens.
* Since Matching won't match an environment to a formula that has a different
* given status, check if LCs `a` and `b` are both givens or both claims and if
* not, toggle the given status of `a`. Return `true` if it was toggled and
* `false` it it wasn't. This is just a utility used by processBIHs.
// TODO: when this is made permanent, just upgrade Matching to make this hoop
// jumping unneccesary.
const matchGivens = (a, b) => {
let toggle = false
if (a.isA('given') && !b.isA('given')) {
toggle = true
} else if (!a.isA('given') && b.isA('given')) {
toggle = true
return toggle
* Check if the doc contains the Rule `:{ ChainsRule }` (or `:{ EquationsRule }
* for backwards compatibility). If not, just split the chains.
* Otherwise after splitting get the diffs of all equations (whether or not from
* chains), and add the instantiation `:{ :x=y f(x)=f(y) }` after the above
* `Rule`. For an arbitrary equation `A=B` the values of `x,y` are computed with
* `diff(A,B)`. Note that this assumes `=` is reflexive, because the normal way
* to say this would be to say that `A=A` by reflexive and then `:{ :x=y :A=A
* A=B }` by substitution.
* For each equation e.g. `a=b≤c=d<e` that is split, also include the
* instantiation `:{ :a=b :b≤c :c=d :d<e a=d }` after the above rule. This
* assumes transitivity of the chain operators in the obvious manner.
* Finally, to assume symmetry we allow both `x=y` and `y=x` versions of all
* equations. So including the Chains Rule is assuming reflexive, symmetric,
* transitive, and substitution properties for equality.
// TODO:
// * generalize this to other reflexive operators with a special kind of
// Declare, e.g. Reflexive = ≤ ⊆ ⇔
// * make it more efficient. For example, don't process reflexive equations,
// carefully check exactly when you need to insert symmetry or a Consider
// rather than brute force blanketing everything. Do we need all of the
// symmetric equivalences? Is there a cleaner more efficient way to
// accomplish the same thing?
const processChains = doc => {
// check options
if (!LurchOptions.processChains) return
// split chains. This also marks all conclusion equations, including
// those split from chains, with .equation=true
// check if the ChainsRule is around, if not, we're done
const rule=doc.find(
x=>(x.isA('Rule') || x.isA('Inst')) && x.numChildren()==1 &&
x.child(0) instanceof LurchSymbol &&
(x.child(0).text()==='EquationsRule' || x.child(0).text()==='ChainsRule'),
x=>!(x.isA('Rule') || x===doc))
// if there is no Chains Rule loaded we are done
if (!rule) return
// Add the transitivity conclusion for every chain. This assumes transitivity, of course.
// First, we add symmetric equivalences. For these we don't restrict to just
// conclusion equations. This way it knows every equation is symmetric.
doc.equations().forEach( eq => insertSymmetricEquivalences( eq , rule ))
// the Chains Rule has been found, so get all of the .equations that are
// conclusions or produced from a conclusion chain by splitChains
const eqs=[...doc.descendantsSatisfyingIterator(
x => x.equation ,
x => x instanceof Application && !x.isOutermost())]
// for each equation, A=B,
eqs.forEach( eq => {
// get the LHS and RHS
const A = eq.child(1).copy(), B=eq.child(2).copy()
// get the diff. The optional third argument tells it to check for the
// smallest single substutition that will work. Thus, for now, the user
// must only do one substitution at a time.
// TODO: consider generalizing or upgrading
const delta = diff(A,B,true)
// for now we only allow a single substutition at a time, so check if
// there's a diff, and that it is not vacuous (e.g., the equation isn't x=x).
// The argument 'true' to diff above guarantees there will only be one diff,
// if any.
// TODO: maybe generalize later
if (delta && delta[0].length>0) {
// the substititution might also be for a common ancestor of the diff
// locations, so we consider them all
const n = delta[0].length
for (let i=1;i<=n;i++) {
// get x,y such that replacing x with y in A produces B
let x = A.child(...(delta[0].slice(0,i))).copy(),
y = B.child(...(delta[0].slice(0,i))).copy()
// construct the instantiation :{ :x=y A=B }
// build it
let inst = new Environment(
new Application( new LurchSymbol('=') , x , y).asA('given') ,
new Application( new LurchSymbol('=') , A.copy() , B.copy() )
// and insert it
insertInstantiation( inst , rule , eq )
// additionally add x=y to the list of things that should be considered
// as user propositions for further instantiation when prop validating.
const x_eq_y = inst.child(0).copy()
// and insert it
insertInstantiation( x_eq_y , rule , eq )
// Also make the reverse diff equation as a Consider to impose symmetry
// const y_eq_x = new Application(new LurchSymbol('='),y.copy(),x.copy())
const y_eq_x = reverseEquation(x_eq_y)
// and insert it
insertInstantiation( y_eq_x , rule , eq )
// and insert the symmetric equivalences for them (only need to do it for
// one of them)
insertSymmetricEquivalences( x_eq_y , rule )
// and in the case where there's no substitution possible, also add the
// reverse of the equation to impose symmetry (its symmetric equivalences are inserted above)
} else {
// Make the reverse equation as a Consider
// const y_eq_x = new Application(new LurchSymbol('=') , B.copy() , A.copy())
const y_eq_x = reverseEquation(eq)
// and insert it
insertInstantiation( y_eq_x , rule , eq )
* Check if the doc contains the Rule `:{ EquationsRule }`. If not, just split
* the equation chains.
* Otherwise after splitting get the diffs of all equations, and add the
* instantiation `:{ :x=y f(x)=f(y) }` after the above `Rule`. For an arbitrary
* equation `A=B` the values of `x,y` are computed with `diff(A,B)`. Note that this
* assumes `=` is reflexive, because the normal way to say this would be to say
* that `A=A` by reflexive and then `:{ :x=y :A=A A=B }` by substitution.
* For each equation `a=b=c=d` that is split, also include the instantiation `:{
* :a=b :b=c :c=d a=d }` after the above rule. This assumes transitivity of
* equality.
* Finally, to assume symmetry we allow both `x=y` and `y=x` versions of the above
* rules. So including the Equations Rule is assuming reflexive,
* symmetric, transitive, and substitution properties for equality.
// TODO:
// * generalize this to transitive chains of operators, e.g. a = b < c = d ≤ e
// implies that a<e
// * generalize this to other reflexive operators with a special kind of
// Declare, e.g. Reflexive = ≤ ⊆ ⇔
// * make it more efficient. For example, don't process reflexive equations,
// carefully check exactly when you need to insert symmetry or a Consider
// rather than brute force blanketing everything. Do we need all of the
// symmetric equivalences? Is there a cleaner more efficient way to
// accomplish the same thing?
const processEquations = doc => {
// check options
if (!LurchOptions.processEquations) return
// split equation chains. This also marks all conclusion equations, including
// those split from chains, with .equation=true
// check if the EquationsRule is around, if not, we're done
const rule=doc.find(
x=>(x.isA('Rule') || x.isA('Inst')) && x.numChildren()==1 &&
x.child(0) instanceof LurchSymbol && x.child(0).text()==='EquationsRule',
x=>!(x.isA('Rule') || x===doc))
// if there is no Equations Rule loaded we are done
if (!rule) return
// First, we add symmetric equivalences. For these we don't restrict to just
// conclusion equations. This way it knows every equation is
doc.equations().forEach( eq => insertSymmetricEquivalences( eq , rule ))
// the Equations Rule has been found, so get all of the .equations that are
// conclusions or produced from a conclusion equation chain by splitEquations
const eqs=[...doc.descendantsSatisfyingIterator(
x => x.equation ,
x => x instanceof Application && !x.isOutermost())]
// for each equation, A=B,
eqs.forEach( eq => {
// get the LHS and RHS
const A = eq.child(1).copy(), B=eq.child(2).copy()
// get the diff. The optional third argument tells it to check for the
// smallest single substutition that will work. Thus, for now, the user
// must only do one substitution at a time.
// TODO: consider generalizing or upgrading
const delta = diff(A,B,true)
// for now we only allow a single substutition at a time, so check if
// there's a diff, and that it is not vacuous (e.g., the equation isn't x=x).
// The argument 'true' to diff above guarantees there will only be one diff,
// if any.
// TODO: maybe generalize later
if (delta && delta[0].length>0) {
// the substititution might also be for a common ancestor of the diff
// locations, so we consider them all
const n = delta[0].length
for (let i=1;i<=n;i++) {
// get x,y such that replacing x with y in A produces B
let x = A.child(...(delta[0].slice(0,i))).copy(),
y = B.child(...(delta[0].slice(0,i))).copy()
// construct the instantiation :{ :x=y A=B }
// build it
let inst = new Environment(
new Application( new LurchSymbol('=') , x , y).asA('given') ,
new Application( new LurchSymbol('=') , A.copy() , B.copy() )
// and insert it
insertInstantiation( inst , rule , eq )
// additionally add x=y to the list of things that should be considered
// as user propositions for further instantiation when prop validating.
const x_eq_y = inst.child(0).copy()
// and insert it
insertInstantiation( x_eq_y , rule , eq )
// Also make the reverse diff equation as a Consider to impose symmetry
// const y_eq_x = new Application(new LurchSymbol('='),y.copy(),x.copy())
const y_eq_x = reverseEquation(x_eq_y)
// and insert it
insertInstantiation( y_eq_x , rule , eq )
// and insert the symmetric equivalences for them (only need to do it for
// one of them)
insertSymmetricEquivalences( x_eq_y , rule )
// and in the case where there's no substitution possible, also add the
// reverse of the equation to impose symmetry (its symmetric equivalences are inserted above)
} else {
// Make the reverse equation as a Consider
// const y_eq_x = new Application(new LurchSymbol('=') , B.copy() , A.copy())
const y_eq_x = reverseEquation(eq)
// and insert it
insertInstantiation( y_eq_x , rule , eq )
// Finally add the transitivity conclusion. This assumes transitivity, of course.
* Transitivity Instantiations
* Go through and fetch all of the user's chains (i.e., only chains that
* are conclusions) which have more than two arguments and create and insert
* them after the ChainsRule rule. For example, `a=b<c=d≤e` would produce
* and insert the instantiation `:{ :a=b :b<c :c=d :d=e a<e }`
* This is a helper utility called by `processChains()`.
const instantiateTransitives = (doc,rule) => {
// fetch the conclusion equations (argument = true)
doc.chains(true).forEach( eq => {
// let n be the number of arguments to `trans_chain`
let n = eq.numChildren()
// collect the set of operators to know what the transitive chain conclusion
// should be
let ops =new Set('=')
// create the relevant instantiation. Even with only 4 args we want to
// remove the `trans_chain` head
// build it
const inst = new Environment()
for (let k=1;k<n-2;k+=2) {
let newtrio = eq.slice(k,k+3)
newtrio.unshiftChild( eq.child(k+1).copy() )
// find the correct operation
const op = new LurchSymbol((ops.has('<'))?'<':(ops.has('leq'))?'leq':'=')
// construct and add the conclusion
new Application(
// and insert it
insertInstantiation( inst, rule, eq )
// We also want the conclusion of that instantiation to be a Consider so
// it can instantiate other rules as if the user had stated it explicitly
// (since they stated it implicitly by constructing this transitive chain
// in the first place). Note that insertInstantiation() automatically
// marks it as a Consider because it's an expression, not an environment.
const conc = inst.lastChild().copy()
insertInstantiation( conc , rule , eq )
// finally, if it is an equation
if (op.text()==='=') {
// Consider its reverse
insertInstantiation( reverseEquation(conc) , rule)
// /**
// * Transitivity Instantiations
// *
// * Go through and fetch all of the user's equations (i.e., only equations that
// * are conclusions) which have more than two arguments and create and insert
// * them after the EquationsRule rule. For example, `a=b=c=d=e` would produce
// * and insert the instantiation `:{ :a=b :b=c :c=d :d=e a=e }`
// *
// * This is a helper utility called by `processEquations()`.
// */
// const instantiateTransitives = (doc,rule) => {
// // fetch the conclusion equations (argument = true)
// doc.equations(true).forEach( eq => {
// // let n be the number of arguments to =
// let n = eq.numChildren()
// // if there are more than two args, create the relevant instantiation
// if (n>3) {
// // build it
// const inst = new Environment()
// for (let k=1;k<n-1;k++) {
// let newpair = eq.slice(k,k+2)
// newpair.unshiftChild( eq.child(0).copy() )
// inst.pushChild(newpair.asA('given'))
// }
// inst.pushChild(
// new Application(
// eq.child(0).copy(),
// eq.child(1).copy(),
// eq.lastChild().copy()
// )
// )
// // and insert it
// insertInstantiation( inst, rule, eq )
// // We also want the conclusion of that instantiation to be a Consider so
// // it can instantiate other rules as if the user had stated it explicitly
// // (since they stated it implicitly by constructing this transitive chain
// // in the first place). Note that insertInstantiation() automatically
// // marks it as a Consider because it's an equation, not an environment.
// const conc = inst.lastChild().copy()
// insertInstantiation( conc , rule , eq )
// // and insert its symmetric equivalence
// insertSymmetricEquivalences( conc , rule )
// // and Consider its reverse
// insertInstantiation( reverseEquation(conc) , rule)
// }
// })
// }
* If we want to give users symmetry of = for free, it is more efficient to just
* manually instantiate the symmetry rule for all equations than to insert the
* rule and let matching do it.
* @param {Expression} eqn - must be a binary equation, and is the 'creator' of
* the equivalence.
* @param {Environment} rule - the name of the rule to insert these equivalences after and that is stored as their `.rule` attribute
const insertSymmetricEquivalences = ( eqn , rule ) => {
// insert :{ :x=y y=x }
let inst = new Environment( copyEquation(eqn).asA('given') , reverseEquation(eqn) )
insertInstantiation( inst , rule , eqn )
// insert :{ :y=x x=y }
inst = new Environment( reverseEquation(eqn).asA('given') , copyEquation(eqn) )
insertInstantiation( inst , rule , eqn )
* Given an equation `x=y`, return the equation `y=x` using copies of `x` and `y`. It
* does not copy the LC attributes of the original equation.
const reverseEquation = eq => {
return new Application(
new LurchSymbol('='),
* The same routine as `reverseEquation`, but doesn't reverse the equation. This
* differs from eq.copy() in that it doesn't copy attributes
const copyEquation = eq => {
return new Application(
new LurchSymbol('='),
* Upgrade any equation chains that appear in an LC to the new transitive chain format.
const upgradeChains = doc => {
// loop through all of the equations and replace each one with the upgraded
// form.
doc.equations().filter(x=>x.numChildren()>3).forEach( eq => {
return doc
* Convert an n-ary = equation LC to transitive chain form. This assumes eq has
* the form (= a₁ ... aₙ) with n>2. If it's an ordinary equation it's returns undefined.
const eq2chain = eq => {
const ans = eq.slice(1)
ans.children().forEach( kid => {
new LurchSymbol('=').insertAfter(kid)
ans.unshiftChild(new LurchSymbol('trans_chain'))
return ans
* Go through and fetch all of the user's chains (i.e., only chains that are
* conclusions). Split them into binary pairs and insert them in the document.
const splitChains = doc => {
// any user equations that aren't chains should be marked as such
// fetch the conclusion equations (argument = true)
doc.chains(true).forEach( eq => {
// let n be the number of arguments to =. Since it should be created by
// parsing a user's transitive chain it should have an even number of
// arguments to tran_chain,
let n = eq.numChildren()
let last = eq
for (let k=1;k<n-2;k+=2) {
// instead of building a new equation from a pair of arguments, we copy
// the original equation and delete children that are not needed in order
// to preserve any LC attributes that might be stored on the original
// equation. Note .slice for LCs makes an LC copy, not a 'shallow' copy.
let newtrio = eq.slice(k,k+3)
if (newtrio.isAnEquation()) newtrio.equation = true
eq.ignore = true
* Go through and fetch all of the user's equations (i.e., only equations that
* are conclusions). If they have more than two arguments split them into
* binary pairs and insert them in the document.
const splitEquations = doc => {
// fetch the conclusion equations (argument = true)
doc.equations(true).forEach( eq => {
// let n be the number of arguments to =
let n = eq.numChildren()
// if there are two args, its an equation, so mark it as such
if (n===3) {
eq.equation = true
} else if (n>3) {
// if there are more than two args, split it
let last = eq
for (let k=1;k<n-1;k++) {
// instead of building a new equation from a pair of arguments, we copy
// the original equation and delete children that are not needed in order
// to preserve any LC attributes that might be stored on the original
// equation. Note .slice for LCs makes an LC copy, not a 'shallow' copy.
let newpair = eq.slice(k,k+2)
newpair.equation = true
eq.ignore = true
* Expression Diff
* Given two Application LC's which differ only at one node, return the address
* of that node (or undefined if no such node exists). This is useful in
* transitive chains for determining when a substitution occurs within a
* compound expression.
* For example, in `(x+1)+(x^2+x)=(x+1)+(x⋅x+x)` we want to know that the LHS can
* be obtained from the RHS by substituting `x^2=x⋅x`.
* If they differ at more than one location, return the array of all of the
* addresses where they differ. If the optional argument 'intersect' is true
* return the highest address containing all of the diffs. For example,
* ```
* diff( f(g(a,b) , f(g(c,d)) ) returns [[1,1],[1,2]]
* ```
* but
* ```
* diff( f(g(a,b) , f(g(c,d)) , true ) returns [[1]]
* ```
* so in the latter case we know that the second expression can be obtained from
* the first via the single substitution `g(a,b)=g(c,d)`, whereas the former would
* require two substitutions, `a=c` and `b=d`.
* @param {Expression} LHS - The first expression
* @param {Expression} RHS - The second expression
* @param {boolean} [intersect=false] - If true, return the highest initial segment that the resulting addresses have in common.
// TODO: This could also work for Environments. Is there a use for that?
const diff = (LHS , RHS , intersect=false ) => {
let ans=[]
// a Symbol doesn't match an Application.
if (
((LHS instanceof LurchSymbol) && (RHS instanceof Application)) ||
((LHS instanceof Application) && (RHS instanceof LurchSymbol))
) return [[]]
// two Symbols match iff they are .equal
if ((LHS instanceof LurchSymbol) && (RHS instanceof LurchSymbol))
return (LHS.equals(RHS))?undefined:[[]]
// two Applications
if ((LHS instanceof Application) && (RHS instanceof Application)) {
// they don't match if they don't have the same number of children
if (LHS.numChildren()!==RHS.numChildren()) return [[]]
// check the children one at a time
const n = LHS.numChildren()
for (let k=0 ; k<n ; k++) {
let nodeans = diff(LHS.child(k),RHS.child(k))
// if an array is returned, it should be an array of arrays containing the
// relative address inside the node of the various discrepancies, so
// unshift each of them with the index of this node
if (Array.isArray(nodeans)) {
// check if we want to intersect them to find the smalled single substitution that will work
if ( intersect && ans.length ) {
ans = [commonInitialSlice(...ans)]
// it should only return undefined if they match
return (ans.length) ? ans : undefined
// or if you try to match a Declaration or Environment or something
return undefined
* Process the Proof by Cases tool.
* Find the first Rule in the document flagged with `.label='cases'`. If found,
* instantiate its last child using each user conclusion that has `.by='cases'`,
* insert the (usually partial) instantiations after the `Rule`, leaving the `Rule`
* available for further instantation by the global Prop tool (i.e. don't mark
* it `.finished`).
* Then check of `LurchOptions.autoCases` is true. If it is find every rule that has
* a) its last conclusion is a metavariable
* b) every occurrence of that metavariable in the rule is an outermost
* expression.
* Create the instantiation of every such rule by matching the metavariable
* conclusion to every one of the user's conclusions.
// TODO: design this second idea much more carefully. Here's why. A typical
// large document without using this latter feature has, on average, about 2-3
// Insts for each conclusion in the user's document. (Aside: that's kind of
// amazing and illustrates how instantiating non-forbidden Weenies is a very
// efficient way to find exactly those instantiations needed for a given user
// statement.)
// But the number of Insts (or Parts) created with this feature is equal to the
// number of conclusions, which is a substantial increase in both the number of
// Insts and size of the document but also the time it takes to produce them all.
// For example the time it takes for the current testing suite to complete
// doubles with this feature enabled. So for now we will make the default to
// turn this off and still use the annoyng 'by cases' speedup.
// In the future, however, there are better more subtle ways to approach this.
// One idea is the following.
// * Split this routine into two separate routines, and run the first have that
// processes cases> and 'by cases' BEFORE the main propositional instantiation
// is done.
// * Then AFTER instantiating with the main loop, only instantiate the Parts (or
// Rules, but more likely Parts) which have no other metavariables in them
// besides the forbidden one. That will at least eliminate creating Parts up
// front that then never turn into Insts afterwards.
const processCases = doc => {
// check options
if (!LurchOptions.processCases) return
// check if some rule is a 'Cases'
const rule=doc.find( x => x.isA('Cases') )
if (rule) {
// The conclusion of a 'cases' rule must be what is matched.
const p = rule.lastChild()
// get all the things the user wants to checked as a conclusion by cases
const usercases = [...doc.descendantsSatisfyingIterator(
x => typeof x.by === 'string' && x.by.toLowerCase()==='cases')]
// for each one construct the relevant partial instantiation
usercases.forEach( c => {
try {
;[...Formula.allPossibleInstantiations(p, c)].forEach(s => {
// for each solution (there should only be one) instantiate the rule
const inst = Formula.instantiate(rule, s)
// process and insert it
insertInstantiation( inst, rule, c )
} catch { }
rule.finished = true
// also check if the autoCases option is true. If so, match every user conclusion
// to every caselike rule.
} else if (LurchOptions.autoCases) {
const rules = getCaselikeRules(doc)
.filter( e => e instanceof Expression && e.isAConclusionIn(doc))
.forEach( e =>{
rules.forEach( r => {
try {
;[...Formula.allPossibleInstantiations(r.lastChild(), e)].forEach(s => {
const inst = Formula.instantiate(r, s)
// do the usual prepping
// the inst is no longer a Rule
// decide whether it's a Part or an Inst
if (inst.domain.size===0) {
} else {
inst.ignore = true
// store the rule and part it came from and add e to the list of
// creators.
inst.rule = r.rule || r
inst.part = r
if (!r.creators) r.creators = []
inst.creators = [ ...r.creators, e ]
// also rename the bindings to match what the user would have
// for the same expressions in his document
// time('Rename bindings')
inst.statements().forEach(x => renameBindings(x))
// then insert this instantiation after its formula
Formula.addCachedInstantiation(r, inst)
// finally mark the declared symbols in the instantiation
// markDeclaredSymbols(doc, inst)
} catch { }
return doc
* Find all of the Rules that have a conclusion that is a single metavariable and only appears in the Rule as a single metavariable outermost expression (i.e., not contained in any other expression). This is called a _caselike_ rule.
const getCaselikeRules = doc => {
return doc.getRules().filter( rule => {
const U = rule.lastChild()
if (!U.isA(metavariable)) return false
const others = rule.descendantsSatisfying( x => x.equals(U) )
// we return only rules that have more than one U to avoid
// matching rules like :{ :EquationsRule } propositionally.
// Note that a rule like :{ →← U } will match however.
return others.length>1 && others.every( u => u.isOutermost() )
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
// This is a prototype of the CAS Tool designed and built at the AIM Workshop
const processCAS = doc => {
// check options
if (!LurchOptions.processCAS) return
// get all the things the user wants to checked as a conclusion by CAS
const userCASs = [...doc.descendantsSatisfyingIterator( x => typeof x.by === 'object' && typeof x.by?.CAS ==='string')]
userCASs.forEach( c => {
// get the command
const command = c.by.CAS
// if the CAS evaluates to truthy, mark the proposition as valid
const ans = (compute(command)==='1') ? 'valid' : 'invalid'
c.setResult('CAS', ans , 'CAS')
// This is a prototype of the Arithmetic Tool for naturals, integers, and rationals
const processArithmetic = doc => {
// check options
if (!LurchOptions.processArithmetic) return
// check if the ArithmeticRule(x) is around and use the first one found
// even if there are multiple such rules
// TODO: eventually upgrade to allow more than one per document
const rule=doc.find(
x=>(x.isA('Rule') || x.isA('Inst')) && x.numChildren()==1 &&
x.child(0) instanceof Application &&
x.child(0).numChildren()==2 &&
x.child(0,0).matches('Arithmetic') &&
x=>!(x.isA('Rule') || x.isA('Inst') || x===doc))
// if there is no Arithmetic Rule loaded we are done
if (!rule) return
// get all the things the user wants to checked as a conclusion by CAS
const userArithmetics = [...doc.descendantsSatisfyingIterator( x =>
typeof x.by === 'string' && x.by ==='arithmetic')]
// we found one so get the ring
const ring = rule.child(0,1).text()
// check each expression that is by arithmetic
userArithmetics.forEach( c => {
// if it's not allowed arithmetic it's not 'invalid', it's 'not applicable'
// (but you can't have a space in a class name)
if (!isArithmetic[ring](c)) {
c.setResult('arithmetic', 'inapplicable', 'CAS')
// if the CAS evaluates to '1', mark the proposition as valid
const ans = (compute(arithmeticToCAS(c))==='1') ? 'valid' : 'invalid'
c.setResult('arithmetic', ans , 'CAS')
if (ans === 'valid')
insertInstantiation( new Environment(c.copy()) , rule, c)
// This is a prototype of the Algebra Tool based on the CAS tool
const processAlgebra = doc => {
// check options
if (!LurchOptions.processAlgebra) return
// check if the AlgebraRule is around, if not, we're done
const rule=doc.find(
x=>(x.isA('Rule') || x.isA('Inst')) && x.numChildren()==1 &&
x=>!(x.isA('Rule') || x.isA('Inst') || x===doc))
// if there is no Algebra Rule loaded we are done
if (!rule) return
// console.log(`found`)
// console.log(rule)
// get all the things the user wants to checked as a conclusion by CAS
const userAlgebras = [...doc.descendantsSatisfyingIterator( x =>
typeof x.by === 'string' && x.by ==='algebra' )]
userAlgebras.forEach( c => {
// get the lurch notation for the expression
let lurchmath = c.getAttribute('lurchNotation')
// if the user included 'by algebra' in the same Atom as the identity, truncate it
const match=lurchmath.match(/\s*by \s*algebra/)
if (match) lurchmath=lurchmath.slice(0,match.index)
// a regex for an equation
const eqn = /^([^=]+)=([^=]+)$/
// if it's not a simple equation we're done
if (!eqn.test(lurchmath)) return
// otherwise get the LHS and RHS
const [LHS,RHS]=lurchmath.match(eqn).slice(-2)
const command = `simplify((${LHS})-(${RHS}))`
// if the CAS evaluates to 0, mark the proposition as valid
const ans = (compute(command)==='0') ? 'valid' : 'invalid'
c.setResult('algebra', ans , 'CAS')
if (ans === 'valid')
insertInstantiation( new Environment(c.copy()) , rule, c)
* This is the meat of the algorithm for $n$-compact validation. It takes a
* document as an argument.
* 1. Get the set of propositions, `E`, in the user's document.
* 2. Get the set, `F`, of all unfinished formulas with any max weenies.
* 3. For each `f` in `F`,
* a. Match each maximally weeny `p` in `f` to each `e` in `E`.
* b. Every time a match is found.
* i. Insert the relevant instantiation, and store `e` in its
* `.creators` js attribute (it can have more than one) along
* with other info.
* ii. Cache its domain and update its weenies.
* 4. Mark `f` as `.finished`. It cannot be instantiated again on future
* passes because while the number of available formulas can go up on each
* pass, the set of user expressions `E` cannot.
* 5. Iterate until every instantiation attempt has been exhausted.
const instantiate = doc => {
// make it idempotent
if (doc.instantiated) { return }
let formulas = doc.formulas()
if (formulas.length === 0) { return }
// there are some formulas, so get the user's Propositions to match
const E = getUserPropositions(doc)
// the pass number that will be stored in each Part and Inst for later
// investigation
let n = 1
// loop until there's nothing left to instantiate
while ( formulas.length>0 ) {
// when calling from a UI we might want a progress meter to show how far
// along validation is. Since the major time is spent in this routine we
// provide a hook for that.
let totalnum = E.length*formulas.reduce((tot, f) => {
return tot + f.weenies.length; }, 0)
let counter = 0
const freq = LurchOptions.updateFreq
let update = Math.max(Math.floor(totalnum/freq),1)
// console.log(`Starting pass ${n}. Matching ${totalnum} expressions.`)
// now loop through all of the formulas, check if they are finished and if
// not, match all of their maximally Weeny propositions to all of the
// elements of E to find instantiations and partial instantiations
formulas.forEach(f => {
// we can only instantiate formulas that have a non-forbidden weeny.
// get this formula's maximally weeny patterns (must be cached)
f.weenies.forEach(p => {
// try to match this pattern p to every user proposition e
E.forEach(e => {
// if it's a Subs EFA and e isn't .by substitution skip it
if ((p.isA('Subs') && e.by!=='substitution')) return
// get all valid solutions
// declarations with body are a special case
let solns = []
try { solns = matchPropositions(p, e) } catch { }
// for each solution, try to make a valid instantiation of f
solns.forEach(s => {
let inst
try { inst = Formula.instantiate(f, s) } catch { return }
// if we made it here, we have a valid instantation.
// Note that .pass is the current pass number.
// Cache some reporting info.
// TODO:
// * we might want to upgrade .bodyOf to an LC attribute since
// Formula.instantiate doesn't copy that attribute
inst.pass = n
inst.numsolns = solns.length
// insert this instantiation
insertInstantiation( inst, f, e )
// increment the progress bar
// number of times it reports during one computation
if (counter % update === 0) {
// console.log(`${Math.ceil(counter/totalnum*100)}% complete`)
// we've matched every user proposition to every weeny pattern in
// this formula, and don't want to do it again on future passes, so
// mark it as finished.
f.finished = true
// increment the pass number
// finally, get any unfinished formulas for the next pass
formulas = doc.formulas()
doc.instantiated = true
* Get all of the user proposition in the document, but don't include any
* duplicates, i.e., no two expressions should have the same prop form.
* This should be run BEFORE instantiating so the expressions in instantiations
* aren't counted as a user expression.
const getUserPropositions = doc => {
// We cache these for multiple pass n-compact validation
if (doc.userPropositions) return doc.userPropositions
// if not cached, fetch them
const allE = [...doc.descendantsSatisfyingIterator(
// include these
x => x.isAProposition() || x.isA('Consider'),
// exclude anything inside of these
x => x.isA('Rule') || x.isA('Part') || x.isA('Inst')
// filter out duplicates so we don't make multiple copies of the same
// instantiation
const E = []
const dups = new Set()
allE.forEach(e => {
const eprop = e.prop().replace(/^[:]/, '')
if (!dups.has(eprop) || e.by) {
// cache it
doc.userPropositions = E
return E
* Matching Propositions.
* Since we consider Lets and ForSomes to be proposition, we want to be able to
* try to match any proposition to any other proposition. The Problem class
* currently can't handle this, so we add a utility here to make it possible.
* This routine returns an array of solutions.
// Aside: Crude Attribute and matching documentation for quick reference
// We have the following situation regarding attributes in matching:
// 1) For atomic expressions, attributes matter. That is, x with color=purple
// is not the same as x with color=orange.
// 2) For non-atomic expressions, attributes do not matter, and matching is
// defined only in terms of their children. I could change this without too
// much trouble if you prefer that it be changed for consistency.
// 3) When using the Formula namespace to match a formula against a possible
// instance, then given vs. not given matters for both environments and
// outermost expressions. No other attributes other than "given" are checked
// when converting a formula-and-possible-instance pair into a matching
// problem, but once it has been converted into one, then rules 1) and 2)
// apply.
// 4) Although this should be 100% invisible to any user of the matching
// package, and therefore 100% irrelevant, I will state it for completeness's
// sake: There are some de Bruijn attributes used internally by the matching
// package to record the original symbol names, and those are (necessarily
// and correctly) ignored during matching.
// TODO: Add to Problem class and Matching as needed. We assume the bodies of
// ForSomes are expressions for now.
const matchPropositions = (p, e) => {
// fast dumb matching check
if (cantMatch(p,e)) { return [ ] }
// now use the real deal
if (p instanceof Expression && e instanceof Expression) {
return Array.from(new Problem(p, e).solutions())
// if they are declarations that declare the same number of symbols ...
} else if (p instanceof Declaration && e instanceof Declaration &&
p.symbols().length === e.symbols().length) {
// ... and neither has a body, just match their symbols
const esymbols = e.symbols()
let merged = p.symbols().map((x, k) => [x, esymbols[k]]).flat()
if (!p.body() && !e.body()) {
return Array.from(new Problem(...merged).solutions())
// ... but if both have bodies, include them in the problem
} else if (p.body() && e.body()) {
return Array.from(new Problem(...merged, p.body(), e.body()).solutions())
// if we made it to here it's not going to match
return []
* Dumb Matching
* Quickly eliminate pairs that can't match by signature or type.
* Returns true if the pair is a dumb Match, otherwise they can't possibly match
const cantMatch = (p,e) => {
// local utility
const isEFA = x => {
return ((x instanceof Application) &&
x.child(0) instanceof LurchSymbol &&
x.child(0).text() === EFA)
// Case 0: If p is an EFA or metavariable, it can match
if (isEFA(p) || p.isA(metavariable)) return false
// Case 1: p is a constant, so e has to match it
if (p.constant &&
!(e instanceof LurchSymbol && e.text()===p.text())) return true
// Case 2: p is not a Symbol or EFA, so it has at least one child, and has a
// different number of children than e
if (p.numChildren()!==e.numChildren()) return true
// Case 3: p is compound and e has the wrong type
if (((p instanceof Application) && !(e instanceof Application)) ||
((p instanceof Declaration) && !(e instanceof Declaration)) ||
((p instanceof BindingExpression) && !(e instanceof BindingExpression))
) return true
// Case 4: p is compound and e has the same class and the same number of
// children, but some corresponding pair of kids can't match
if ( p.children().some( (kid,k) => cantMatch(kid,e.child(k)) )
) return true
// if it hasn't been eliminated by one of these cases, go ahead and match it
return false
// // p is a non-constant symbol (a metavar) or an EFA, e matches it
// if (p.isA(metavariable)) {
// // console.log(`p is a metavariable, so ok`)
// return true
// }
// if (isEFA(p)) {
// // console.log(`p is an EFA, so ok`)
// return true
// }
// // if p is a constant Symbol then e has to equal it
// if (p instanceof LurchSymbol && p.constant &&
// e instanceof LurchSymbol && p.text()===e.text()) {
// // console.log(`p is a constant and e is equal to it, so ok`)
// return true
// }
// // if p is a Symbol but not constant then e has to be a Symbol
// // TODO:
// // it usually has to match, but I'm not sure what has to be done for bound
// // variables which are constantly being renamed
// if (p instanceof LurchSymbol && !(p.constant) && e instanceof LurchSymbol) {
// // console.log(`p is a Symbol that is not a constant and e is a Symbol, so ok`)
// return true
// }
// // if p is an Application, Declaration, or Binding then e has to be the same thing
// if ((p instanceof Application && e instanceof Application) ||
// (p instanceof Declaration && e instanceof Declaration) ||
// ( p instanceof BindingExpression && e instanceof BindingExpression)) {
// // console.log(`p and e are both the same non-Symbol type...`)
// // in every case it has to have the same number of children, and they all have
// // to dumbMatch their corresponding partner
// if (p.numChildren()===e.numChildren()) {
// // console.log(`..they have the same number of children...`)
// if (p.children().every( (kid,k)=>dumbMatch(p.child(k),e.child(k)))) {
// // console.log(`..and the corresponding kids dumbMatch, so ok.`)
// return true
// }
// }
// }
// // otherwise let it run the Matching Package in case we missed something
// return false
// return p.isA(metavariable) || isEFA(p) ||
// // if p is a constant Symbol then e has to equal it
// (p instanceof LurchSymbol && p.constant &&
// e instanceof LurchSymbol && p.equals(e)) ||
// // if p is a Symbol but not constant then e has to be a Symbol
// // TODO:
// // it usually has to match, but I'm not sure what has to be done for bound
// // variables which are constantly being renamed
// (p instanceof LurchSymbol && !(p.constant) && e instanceof LurchSymbol) ||
// // if p is an Application, Declaration, or Binding then e has to be the same thing
// (((p instanceof Application && e instanceof Application) ||
// (p instanceof Declaration && e instanceof Declaration) ||
// (p instanceof BindingExpression && e instanceof BindingExpression)
// ) &&
// // in every case it has to have the same number of children, and they all have
// // to dumbMatch their corresponding partner
// p.numChildren()===e.numChildren() &&
// p.children().every( (kid,k)=>dumbMatch(p.child(k),e.child(k))))
* Many of the tools that work with $n$-compact validation (including the
* $n$-compact tool itself) require creating and inserting instantiations and
* marking them in various ways. This utility makes that process more coherent.
* It also allows us to check for 'bad' instantiations that e.g. instantiate a
* metavariable that is inside (declared by) a declaration with a constant, or
* instantiate both $x$ and $y$ with the same thing in an declaration like
* `[ x y ]`.
* @param {LogicConcept} inst - the instantiation to insert. If it is an
* environment it will be inserted either as a `Part` or an `Inst`. If it
* is an expression it will be inserted as a Consider.
* @param {Environment} formula - the `Rule` or `Part` that this is an
* instantiation of. It is inserted after this formula.
* @param {LogicConcept} creator - an optional LC that caused this to be created
* and added to the `.creators` list of the instantiation.
const insertInstantiation = ( inst, formula, creator ) => {
// Currently expressions are marked as Consider's,
// If inst is an Expression we need to wrap it in an Environment so that any
// free variables it contains are not implicitly declared by it and
// inadvertently invalidate declarations of the same symbol later in the
// document.
const consider = inst instanceof Expression
if (consider) {
// Consider's don't have prop form
inst.ignore = true
// wrap it in an environment
inst = new Environment(inst)
// and it can be ignored as well
// it might contain a Let which was instantiated by some other
// statement, so we might have to add the tickmarks.
// Note: we had to check that in a rule like :{:{:Let(x) (@ P
// x)} (@ P y)} that it doesn't instantiate (@ P y) first
// with a constant lambda expression like 𝜆y,Q(z) which
// has z free and then instantiate the metavar x with z,
// since then 'the free z becomes bound' in a sense.
// Otherwise you could conclude, e.g. ∀y,Q(z) from {
// :Let(z) Q(z) } instead of just ∀y,Q(y).
// TODO: does this have to be done before inserting it?
// Ans: I tried that and it works, but it's slightly slower for some reason.
// insert it after the formula, the order doesn't matter
// and mark the declared constants in the instantiation
// markDeclaredSymbols(inst.root(), inst) // Can this be removed?
// check if this instantiation should be rejected because it contains a
// declaration that is declaring a constant or a declaration declaring more than
// one symbol that are instantiated with the same thing.
if (isBadInstantiation(inst)) {
// if so, remove it
// save the rule (whether formula is a Part or Rule)
inst.rule = formula.rule || formula
// save the Part (whether or not it is the same as the Rule)
inst.part = formula
// if a creator is specified, push it onto the list
if (creator) {
// If the inst is for a Part it might already have creators, if so, keep
// them. It is also possible that it is the first time it is being
// instantiated and was created directly from putdown rather than though
// the rule> shorthand, and so doesn't have a creators array, in which
// case we initialize it
if (!formula.creators) formula.creators = []
inst.creators = [ ...formula.creators, creator ]
// mark it as a cached instantiation for the Formula package.
// TODO: is this really needed?
// all instantiations are givens, even Considers
// also rename the bindings to match what the user would have
// for the same expressions in his document
inst.statements().forEach(x => renameBindings(x))
// if it's an expression, it's a Consider
// if (inst instanceof Expression) {
// inst.makeIntoA('Consider')
// inst.makeIntoA('Inst')
// // Consider's don't have prop form
// inst.ignore = true
// }
// if it's an environment, check if the inst has metavars, and mark it appropriately
if ( inst instanceof Environment && !consider ) {
if (inst.domain.size === 0) {
} else {
// since it still has metavariables, ignore it for prop form
inst.ignore = true
* Check a proposed instantiation for bad declarations.
* * If it declares a constant, it's bad.
* * If it declares more than one symbol that are instantiated with the same
* thing, it's bad.
const isBadInstantiation = ( inst ) => {
// get the declarations in this instantiation
const decs=inst.declarations()
// check each one to see if it declares a constant
for (let k = 0; k < decs.length; k++) {
// get the array of symbols in this declaration
const symbols = decs[k].symbols()
// check each one to see if it declares a constant
if (symbols.findIndex(s=>{return s.constant})!==-1) {
// return true if it does
return true
// check each one to see if it declares more than one symbol the same way
const names = new Set(symbols.map(s=>s.text()))
if (names.size < symbols.length) {
// return true if it does
return true
// return false if it doesn't have anything bad
return false
// Validate helper utility. This is the way the original validation tool worked
// but is now an internal helper utility to the `validate()` method, so we don't
// document this with jsdoc..
// Validate the target of this LC, store the result, and return true or false.
// This routine currently can use one or both of two validation modes: the
// propositional checker and the preemie checker. The second and third optional
// arguments are booleans which specify whether it should be prop checked and
// preemie checked respectively. This is useful for calling this efficiently
// from ._validateall. If both are false, it does nothing and returns
// undefined.)
// With both modes, in order for this to provide more localized information
// about what is wrong with a proof, everything that is accessible to the target
// is temporarily treated as a Given, so that the propositional validity of a
// target is not dependent on the propositional validity of the things
// accessible to it.
// We assume that every instantiation that will be required for computing the
// prop form and propositional validation has already been added to the
// document. Thus, other Validation Tools, like BIH, and CAS, which might
// create instantiations, need to be run on the entire document before this
// final step as part of the instantiation phase.
// There are also some validation checks that may not need to instantiate
// anything, like checking that Let-environments don't violate the 'preemie'
// restriction by validating them without the initial Let() and making sure they
// are still valid and ignoring all tick marks on non-constant variables in
// instantiations or that are in the scope of a deleted Let. This check only
// makes sense when a target is propositionally valid, but should not be valid
// because of violating the preemie condition. So we only need to check for
// preemies only after doing propositional validation, and then only check the
// valid inferences in the scope of a Let or containing a Let.
// Just as for propositional checking, when checking to see if the target is a
// preemie, we do not care if anything accessible to it is a preemie. Keep in
// mind that by ignoring Lets, some of the things accessible to it might have a
// different propositional form (no tick marks on some variables in addition to
// being givens), but since they are temporarily treated as givens, even if they
// are preemies themselves, they will not be flagged as such.
// For targets which are Expressions or ForSomes we only check the target to see
// if it is a preemie, regardless of whether there might be other preemies in
// the LC. But when the target is an environment, we only check if it is a
// preemie by ignoring the Lets it is in the scope of and its own Let if it is a
// Let-env. Thus, this routine assumes that all descendant Let-environments of
// this environment have already been preemie-checked (which will be the case
// when ._validateall has been called). Thus, this routine will tell you if the
// target is, itself, a preemie, but not if contains any preemies if you don't
// check for those first. So it could return 'valid' for an environment, which
// is useful for ._validateall, but might be misleading if you don't interpret
// it correctly.
// Moral: use only for targets that do not contain any descendant
// Let-environments, or just call ._validateall for environments that do.
LogicConcept.prototype._validate = function (target = this,
checkPreemies = false) {
// store the answer and result here
let ans, result
const checkProps = !checkPreemies
// TODO: to get it into form that CNF.isSatisfiable accepts we have to
// temporarily negate this, then toggle it back afterwards. Modify
// CNF.isSatisfiable to make this unnecessary.
// to prevent this routine from exiting while this LC is still negated we wrap
// up the negation and un-negation with the CNF.isSatisfiable call
const satCheck = (doc, target, checkPreemies = false) => {
let answer
// negate this
try {
let cnf
profile(() => cnf = this.cnf(target, checkPreemies),'convert to CNF')
profile(() => answer = !CNF.isSatisfiable(cnf),'call satSolve')
} catch (e) {
console.log(`\nError validating the following for ${(checkPreemies) ? 'preemies' : 'prop'}:\n`)
console.log(`at address: ${target.address()}`)
// un-negate this
return answer
// if we have to check props or we have to check preemies but it hasn't
// already been prop checked, prop check it
if (checkProps) {
// say(`Checking prop`)
// if it is already validated, just return that
if (Validation.result(target) &&
Validation.result(target).reason === 'n-compact') {
// say(`Already validated by n-compact, so returning that`)
ans = Validation.result(target).result === 'valid'
} else {
// say(`Not already validated by n-compact.. checking`)
ans = profile(()=>satCheck(this, target),'SAT check')
// determine the appropriate feedback
result = (ans)
? { result: 'valid', reason: 'n-compact' }
: { result: LurchOptions.badResultMsg, reason: 'n-compact' }
Validation.setResult(target, result)
// if we have to check preemies, check them
if (checkPreemies) {
// say(`Checking preemie`)
// if it's already a preemie return the same thing
if (Validation.result(target) &&
Validation.result(target).reason === 'preemie') {
// say(`Already a preemie`)
ans = false
// otherwise
} else {
// if it's not already validated propositionally, validate it
if (!(Validation.result(target) &&
Validation.result(target).reason === 'n-compact')) {
// say(`Not already validated, so doing it`)
ans = this._validate(target)
result = (ans)
? { result: 'valid', reason: 'n-compact' }
: { result: LurchOptions.badResultMsg, reason: 'n-compact' }
Validation.setResult(target, result)
// if it is propositionally valid, check it for preemies
if (Validation.result(target).result === 'valid') {
// say(`Prop valid, so checking for preemies`)
// say(`this is currently a given ${this.isA('given')}`)
ans = profile(()=>satCheck(this, target, true),'SAT check')
// determine the appropriate feedback
result = (ans)
? { result: 'valid', reason: 'n-compact' }
: { result: 'invalid', reason: 'preemie' }
Validation.setResult(target, result)
// finally, it is invalid propositionally, so just return that
} else {
ans = false
return ans
// Validate All
// Validate every claim in this LC, store the result, and return true or false.
// The optional second argument, if false tells it to do an ordinary
// propositional check but not check for preemies. This may be all that is
// needed in the case where the library or document doesn't contain any Lets and
// thus doesn't have to check for preemies.
// We do the propositional check efficiently as follows. First, check the entire
// document. If it's valid we are done and can mark everything valid. If not,
// frequently it will be the case that previous proofs were already valid, but
// the one we are working on isn't. So check the children of the document. The
// ones that are valid, mark everything inside them as valid. Then recurse in
// the children of any invalid proof until we reach just the individual
// conclusions that are invalid.
// If checkPreemies is true, we have to additionally check if any
// propositionally valid inferences were preemies or valid because they contain
// preemies. This must only be checked after propositional validation is
// complete since it relies on those results to know what to check.
// We do the preemie check efficiently as follows.
// * If the target is not valid, we don't have to do anything.
// * If the target is valid and not an environment, we just call ._validate on
// the target with checkPreemies=true. Update the validation result of the
// target and its valid ancestors if it is a preemie.
// * If the target is a valid environment we do the following.
// - Get all top level Let-env descendants of X (those not nested inside
// another Let-env descendant of X).
// - If any exist, call ._validateall(-,true) on each of those recursively
// until we reach one that has no Let-env descendants.
// - for the base case of the recursion, when a Let environment is reached
// that does not contain any Let-environment descendants, validate it with
// checkPreemies=true, and follow the same algorithm as for the
// Propositional check above (if it's preemie-valid we're done because
// everything is already prop valid, and if any of the conclusions were
// preemies the whole thing would be invalid. So if it's not preemie valid,
// recurse into the environment tree to locate the individual preemies it
// contains as for prop checking).
// - when the recursion is complete, do the same check on the ancestor
// Let-env, by omitting just it's own Let and the Let's it is in the scope
// of, but not the ones that are descendants. This will detect any
// additional preemies that are descendants but not inside descendant
// Let-envs. If any new ones are found or if one of the recursive checks
// found a preemie, in either case mark them and the parent being checked as
// invalid for reason 'contains preemie'.
// This routine does not return anything, it just marks the document.
Environment.prototype._validateall = function ( target = this,
checkPreemies = false ) {
const checkProps = !checkPreemies
// Props
if (checkProps) {
// validate this environment (which saves the result in the target)
const result = this._validate(target)
// if the target is an Environment, recurse
if (target instanceof Environment) {
// if it was prop valid, so are all of its inferences
if (checkProps) {
if (result) {
// mark all of the target's inferences propositionally valid
target.inferences().forEach(C => {
Validation.setResult(C, { result: 'valid', reason: 'n-compact' })
// otherwise ._validateall the inference children of this target
} else {
target.children().forEach(kid => {
// skip givens and things marked .ignore, e.g. Comments
if (kid.isA('given') || kid.ignore) return
this._validateall(kid, false)
// if we are supposed to check for preemies. This assumes we've already
// validated propositionally. This should only be called once on the entire
// document (i.e. it's not recursive) and it will mark all of the preemies in
// one pass.
// TODO: it probably makes more sense to separate the prop and preemie parts
// of this routine into two separate functions since they are dissimilar.
if (checkPreemies) {
// get the set of all Lets in inference let environments of this environment
// unless their parent has no conclusions or if the let is inside a proof
// marked with attribute 'target:true'.
let lets = this.lets().filter( x => {
const doc=target.root()
if ( doc.targetproof ) {
return x.ancestors().includes(doc.targetproof)
} else {
return !x.parent().ancestors().some( y => y.isA('given') )
} )
// sort them by the number of lets in their scope so we can check them from
// the inside out (this modifies the lets array)
lets.sort((a, b) => a.letsInScope().length - b.letsInScope().length)
// validate each of the lets in order
lets.forEach(L => {
// see if this Let environment is a preemie (it should delete it's own let)
let preemie = !this._validate(L.parent(), true)
// if it is a preemie, mark it, and then narrow down which of it's
// children is the offender
if (preemie) {
// mark it and all of it's ancestors as a preemie
L.parent().ancestors().forEach(a => {
Validation.setResult(a, { result: 'invalid', reason: 'preemie' })
// narrow it down to the specific preemies causing this let-environment
// to be a preemie
// TODO: for now we're just brute force checking all of the valid conclusions
// of the offending preemie let-environment. Upgrade this to do the
// recursive descent like we do for the prop check above.
.filter( x => !x.ignore && Validation.result(x).result==='valid') .forEach( conc => {
let result = this._validate(conc,true)
if (!result) {
conc.ancestors().forEach( a => {
Validation.setResult( a , { result:'invalid' , reason:'preemie'})
* We say an LC in an environment L is irrelevant to the inference 'target' if
* no ancestor of it is accessible to the target. Note that this is the
* 501-level definition, so we keep the instantiations of formulas that are
* created by expressions that appear in the user's document that come after the
* target.
LogicConcept.prototype.irrelevantTo = function (target) {
// it's not an ancestor of the target and has an ancestor that is not
// accessible to the target
return target.ancestors().indexOf(this) < 0 &&
!this.hasAncestorSatisfying(z => { return z.isAccessibleTo(target, true) })
* Rename `ProperNames` from declarations with body to something easier to read by
* changing, e.g. `c#(= (+ (+ m n) p) (+ m (+ n p))` to `c#13` by putting them
* all in a list and using the list number instead of the body name. This isn't
* necessary for the algorithm to work, but it's easier to debug and read.
// TODO: maybe improve or eliminate this in the future
const tidyProperNames = doc => {
// make an lookup array
const lookup = []
// get all the ProperNames with # proper names
const allProps = doc.descendantsSatisfying( x => x instanceof LurchSymbol &&
// store a copy on the lookup table (no dups)
allProps.forEach( s => {
const pname = s.getAttribute('ProperName')
if (!lookup.includes(pname)) lookup.push(pname)
// rename them with their index in the lookup array
allProps.forEach( s => {
const pname = s.getAttribute('ProperName')
const tick = (pname.endsWith("'")) ? "'" : ''
// Here are some incomplete or orphaned utilities that we keep for future reference.
// TODO: maybe improve or eliminate these in the future.
// Declaration contexts
// Utiltities for adding the declaration contexts to all of the statements and
// declarations in the document. This is no longer needed, but potentially
// gives nice feedback so we keep it for now.
// Mark Declaration contexts
// the context attribute key, just for modularity
const context = 'context'
// Add the symbol names (as strings) to this expressions context If the context
// doesn't exit, create it, even if no args are supplied. If it already has one
// add the symbol names to the end, whether or not they are duplicates. We will
// let scope checking worry about that.
LogicConcept.prototype.addToContext = function (...names) {
if (!this.hasAttribute(context)) { this.setAttribute(context, []) }
// Mark all of the declaration contexts
// TODO: this is no longer needed, but perhaps will be useful, so we keep it for
// now.
const markDeclarationContexts = doc => {
doc.declarations().filter(d => !d.isA('Declare'))
.forEach(decl => {
const syms = decl.symbols().map(x => x.text())
decl.scope(false).filter(x => x.isAStatement() || x.isADeclaration())
.forEach(s => { s.addToContext(...syms) })
// Debottlenecker
// In order to see where the bottlenecks are in the code, we build here a crude
// custom code profiler/timer. It works as follows. Calling Benchmark(f,name)
// times the execution of function f and stores the time it took under the name
// 'name', which should be a string, in a global object called Report with a key
// for each name. The value of each key is an object of the form { calls:n ,
// time:t } where n is the number of times the routine was called, and t was the
// total time it took for those calls.
// TODO:
// * finish this
let Stats = {}
const Benchmark = function (f, name) {
const start = Date.now()
const t = Date.now() - start
if (!Report[name]) {
Report[name] = { calls: 1, time: t }
} else {
Report[name].time += t
export default {
validate, getUserPropositions, instantiate, insertInstantiation,
insertSymmetricEquivalences, reverseEquation, markDeclarationContexts, processBIHs,
processChains, processEquations, upgradeChains, eq2chain, splitChains,
splitEquations, processDomains, diff, cacheFormulaDomainInfo, Benchmark,
getCaselikeRules, LurchOptions, Stats, matchPropositions, LogicConcept,
Formula, Scoping, Validation