Ken Monks

Get Lurch!

Installing and Customizing Lurch on your computer

Most Lurch instructors will not need or want to install Lurch on their computer, and will create and manage all of their content on their GitHub site. While we don't recommend installing it locally for most users, for developers or those of you who want to install it locally anyway, we give some brief instructions here.

Lurch is a web app, and so it needs a web server running on your computer if you would like to install a copy of your Lurch repository locally for testing, experimenting, and creating new content before publishing it on your site. Users who are familiar with git can just git clone their GitHub repository to their local drive and point their local server to that folder.

Users who are not familiar with git or running a local server can do the following.

  1. Clone your repository to a local copy.
    1. Download, Install, and Open GitHub Desktop. (
    2. Sign in with your GitHub account.
    3. Choose File > Clone Repository... from the GitHub Desktop menu.
    4. Select your Lurch repository from the list.
    5. Choose a local folder to save the repository and click Clone.
  2. Install VS Code from$^\star$ and then Open the Visual Studio Code application it installed.
    1. Choose File > Add folder to workspace... from the menu and select the local folder you chose for your cloned repository above.
    2. Install the Live Server extension.
    3. Choose View > Explorer from the VS Code menu. It should show you all of the files and folders in your local copy of the repository.
    4. Right-click the index.html file in the explorer pane and select Open with Live Server.
    5. Your local copy of the site automatically opens in your browser!

$^\star$Windows users: If VS Code tells you that you don't have git installed, you can obtain the latest Windows version here. Run the installer and accept all of the default answers except when it asks you what editor you would like to use, choose VS Code from the drop down menu. Then restart VS Code and everything should be fine.