* Lurch Options
* We just use a global for storing the current options. This avoids having to
* pass it as an optional argument through the entire validation chain of
* interpretations and validation tools. To set an option just do e.g.
* `LurchOptions.avoidLoneMetavars = false`. Current validation options are:
* * `validateall` - if true, validate all inferences. If false, only
* validate the target.
* * `checkPreemies` - Check for preemies iff this is true
* * `processBIHs` - process BIHs iff this is true
* * `instantiateEverything` - don't avoid anything below (equivalent to
* setting the next three settings to false)
* * `avoidLoneMetavars` - if true don't try to instantiate lone
* metavariables, otherwise try to instantiate them with every user
* proposition.
* * `avoidLoneEFAs` - the same thing for lone EFAs
* * `avoidLoneElementOfs` - the same thing for lone x∈A's where A is a
* metavariable
* * `processChains` - process chains and equations iff this is true
* * `processEquations` - process equations iff this is true
* * `processCases`- process the cases tool iff this is true
* * `autoCases` - similar to avoidLoneMetavars=false. If true, then identify
* all Cases-like rules and try to instantiate their univar conclusion with
* every user's conclusion in the document.
* * `processCAS` - process CAS tool iff this is true
* * `processAlgebra` - use the CAS tool to validate equations followed by 'by
* algebra' iff this is true
* * `swapTheoremProofPairs` - move theorems after their next sibling if its a
* proof
* * `updateProgress` - the function that gives progress updates while
* instantiating
* * `updateFreq` - how often to give a progress update during a pass
* * `badResultMsg` - what the feedback message should be internally to
* expressions which are not found to be propositionally valid
* * `runStudentTests` - use all of the student test files in the acid test suite
* * `startStudentTest` - the number of the first student test to run
* * `endStudentTest` - the number of the last student test to run
export const LurchOptions = {
validateall: true ,
checkPreemies: true ,
processBIHs: true ,
instantiateEverything: false,
avoidLoneMetavars: true ,
avoidLoneEFAs: true ,
avoidLoneElementOfs: true ,
processChains: true ,
processEquations: true ,
processCases: true ,
autoCases: false ,
processCAS: false ,
processArithmetic: true,
processAlgebra: true,
swapTheoremProofPairs: true ,
updateProgress: async () => { } ,
updateFreq: 100 ,
badResultMsg: 'indeterminate',
runStudentTests: false,
startStudentTest: 0,
endStudentTest: Infinity,
runAcidTests: true