
Global $n$-compact Validation

Welcome to the experimental folder of this branch of the Lurch LDE project. Here we gather code and content for rapidly testing, benchmarking, and prototyping design ideas for the LDE. For details about the rest of the LDE, and in particular the LogicConcept class and Matching package that this algorithm is built on, see the LDE documentation.

The main experiment currently in progress is an implementation of the $n$-compact polynomial time global validation algorithm. This is accessible via the function validate() and its supporting tools and options.

A document is any LC environment. It may (and usually will) additionally contain declarations of type Declare and environments of type Rule, Proof, Theorem, BIH, Substitution and Cases, all of which are specified by the user as part of the document. An inference is a descendant of a document that is either an environment, outermost expression, or declaration all of whose ancestors (including itself) are claims. The validate() routine can validate any specified inference in any document.

This routine and supporting infrastructure is contained primarily in the following files.

  1. lode.js - All lurch documents, libraries, rules, theorems, and proofs begin essentially as a string (or more generally, text). Each UI provides some way for the users and library authors to enter, save, store, load, and merge such text.

    𝕃𝕠𝕕𝕖 is a node.js command line UI intended for developers. Document text is created either directly at the command prompt as short test strings, or in an external editor and saved as a file for larger documents. This file defines the 𝕃𝕠𝕕𝕖 repl and contains utilities for listing, loading, and merging such strings.

  2. parsing.js - If the UI produces a string representing user’s content it must be parsed into an LC before validation. Currently available parsers are for putdown and an asciimath extension of putdown that supports a small but useful subset of asciimath ( and LaTeX, which we will call Lurch Notation. In some cases it may be easier to obtain the desired LC by first parsing the string to an intermediate LC which is then converted to a different LC by post processing what we refer to as Shorthands - special LC content that indicate some way in which the LC needs further modification before proceeding.

  3. interpret.js - Any LC environment can be validated by $n$-compact validation, but will usually need to be modified extensively to prepare it for validation by calling the interpret() routine defined in this file. In particular, it will add global system declarations to the document, process all shorthands, move all global constant declarations to the top of the environment, create a rule associated with each user Theorem, move declaration bodies after the declaration, wrap all Let declarations in an environment as needed to form Let environments, give all bound variables a canonical alpha-equivalent name, convert all rules into formulas and store information about their domains, assign unique names to symbols declared with a body, and mark all global constants throughout the document. These must all be performed in order before validation.

  4. global-validation.js - this is the main part of the validation routine. It constructs all of the relevant instantiations, both for the $n$-compact global validation algorithm and for other validation tools that are compatible with $n$-compact validation. Currently these tools are for BIHs, Equations, Cases, Arithmetic, Algebra, and Scoping. Each of these validation tools is run and it’s validation results stored in the relevant locations in the document. Additional information, such as which user espressions lead to a particular instantiation, is stored in the instantiations as well for future reporting. Once that information is available, it is easy to validate a particular target or validate things in different ways that are determined by the options stored in the object LurchOptions.

  5. reporting.js - once a document is fully instanted, we can generate reports about the results. This can be as simple as putting a green checkmark or red ✗ after a conclusion, to giving entire reports about how a particular instantiation is found or what rules had something to say about a particular conclusion. The routines in this file can mine a validated document for various information, and report it in a way that is compatible with 𝕃𝕠𝕕𝕖 (terminal output).

  6. extensions.js - contains numerous miscellaneous extensions to the LC class and subclasses that are either convenient or necessary for this code.

  7. utils.js - contains miscellaneous generic js utilities that are not specific to this application.

  8. CNFProp.js - Defines the CNFProp class that is necessary for converting a document into the conjunctive normal form required for checking the boolean satisfiability of the propositional form of all or part of a document. For more information see the Propositional Form tutorial.

n-compact Documents

An LC is a $n$-compact Document (or simply a doc) if it is a claim environment that has been processed and transformed as follows.

This processing should be generally useful to any validation tool. Additionally, the following processing of the document is more specific to the $n$-compact validation algorithm.

This algorithm and related utilties can be tested using the files in the following subfolders:

In addition to the files mentioned above, there are also some useful supporting utilities.

The n-compact Algorithm

Here we describe the n-compact algorithm in detail as currently implemented. This is subject to a lot of change, but we will attempt to keep it up to date.

Document - an LC is considered to be a document if it consists of a single LC environment, whose children are either

  1. Declare - Declarations of symbols that cannot be metavariables.
  2. Rules - given environments used as formulas.
  3. User's content - the user’s theorems, definitions, and proofs.

The Lode command loadStr(filename) loads the file specified by filename as a string. The file extension ‘.lurch’ can be omitted. The command loadDoc(filename) loads the string, parses it with the Lurch Notation parser, interprets it, and validates it. Each such file can contain lines of the form include file-to-include, which must be on a line by themselves, to recursively include other files. This is useful for specifying, e.g. what libraries to load at the top of a proof document.

To construct and validate a document it does the following.

I. Load the text document

  1. This can be a string typed at the console, created in a text editor and saved, then loaded with loadStr(filename), or provided by a UI.
  2. The user is responsible for marking environments as a Rule, Declare, Theorem, Proof, and so on i.e., that is part of user content, not interpreted from his document.

II. Parse the document

  1. Run the string through the parser to produce a ‘raw’ LC environment.
  2. Process the shorthands in the resulting LC to produce a ‘cooked’ LC environment.

III. Interpret the document

  1. Add the Declare for reserved system constants on top (e.g. LDE EFA and )
  2. Move all global constant Declare declarations to the top of the document.
  3. Create a rule associated with each user Theorem and insert it below the theorem.
  4. Create copies of the bodies of declarations and insert them after the declaration.
  5. Wrap Let declarations in an environment as needed to form Let environments (so every Let is a first-child and its scope is the same).
  6. Assign all bound vars ProperNames to x₀, x₁, ... so that Propositional Forms are canonical for alpha-equivalence.
  7. Convert all Rules into formulas and cache all of the information about their domains.
  8. Mark .ignore on all Rules containing metavariables so they don’t get a prop form.
  9. Replace all bound variables in Rules with y₀, y₁, ... which cannot be entered as part of a user’s document. (This is needed because Matching checks for variable capture, but Formula.instantiate() does not.)
  10. Assign unique names to symbols declared with a body.
  11. Add tick marks to symbols in the scope of, and declared by, a Let declaration.
  12. Mark all global constants thoughout the document.

IV. Validate all or part of the document

  1. Check that the document has been interpreted, and interpret it if it hasn’t.

Process Hints

  1. Check if LurchOptions.processBIHs is true, and if so do the following.
  2. Process all Blatant Instantiation Hints (BIH’s)
  3. If a BIH is valid, create its instantiation, and mark it as an ‘Inst’ and set its .rule attribute to the ‘Rule’ it instantiates.
  4. If a BIH is valid as a BIH, it has to be valid propositionally by definition, and will be marked with a gold star and green check after validation, but if it is not a valid BIH, it might still be propositionally valid or invalid, so in that case it will receive both a propositional green check or red ✗ in addition to a red star.

Process Equations

  1. Check if LurchOptions.processEquations is true, and if so, do the following.
  2. For every equation with more than two arguments, split it into a sequence of binary equations which are inserted after it. For example, (= A B C D) results in
         (= A B C D)
         (= A B)
         (= B C)
         (= C D)
  3. Check if the document contains the rule :{ :EquationsRule }. If not, exit.
  4. For every binary equation x=y in the user’s content (e.g. not inside a Rule), insert the symmetric equivalences after the Equations Rule, :{ :x=y y=x } :{ :y=x x=y }.
  5. Get all of the binary equations that are conclusions (including those produced by splitting), and for each equation LHS=RHS compute the difference between the LHS and RHS, i.e., compute diff(LHS,RHS).
  6. If the diff is nontrivial there exists f, x, and y such that LHS=f(x) and RHS=f(y). For each such case, insert the instantiation :{ :x=y f(x)=f(y) } after the Equations Rule. Additionally insert :x=y and :y=x as Consider’s and the symmetric equivalences :{ :x=y y=x } :{ :y=x x=y }.
  7. Finally, for each equation with more than two arguments, insert the transitive conclusion that says that if all of the binary equations hold, the first and last argument are equivalent. So in the above example of (= A B C D) it would insert the transitive conclusion :{ :(= A B) :(= B C) :(= C D) (= A D) }.

Process Cases

  1. Check if LurchOptions.processCases is true, and if so, do the following.
  2. Find the first rule marked as a Cases by the library author.
  3. Get all of the user conclusions with attribute .by equal to cases.
  4. For each such conclusion, match the last child of the Cases rule to the conclusion. Create and insert any Insts or Parts found after the rule.
  5. Check if LurchOptions.autoCases is true, and if so, do the following.
  6. Get every case-like rule (i.e., a rule with a single metavariable as its last child which only appears in the rule as an outermost expression) and match every user conclusion to it, inserting any Insts or Parts found after the corresponding rule. (Note: this is generally slow except for small documents or documents with no caselike rules.)

Process Arithmetic

  1. Check if LurchOptions.processArithmetic is true, and if so, do the following.
  2. Find the first rule marked as a ArithmeticRule(ring) by the library author, where ring is one of ℕ, ℤ, or ℚ.
  3. Get all of the user conclusions with attribute .by equal to arithmetic.
  4. For each such conclusion, $e$, check if it represents a valid statement of arithmetic in the given ring, using the isArithmetic[ring](e) command in parsing.js. If it does not, mark its validation result for arithmetic to inapplicable and return without doing anything further.
  5. If $e$ does represent an allowed statement of arithmetic in the given ring, convert it to the appropriate CAS notation and ask the Algebrite CAS to check if it is true. Mark its validation result for arithmetic to valid or invalid accordingly.
  6. Either way, insert an instantiation of the form :{ e } after the Arithmetic rule found in step 2.

Process Algebra

  1. Check if LurchOptions.processAlgebra is true, and if so, do the following.
  2. Find the first rule marked as a ArithmeticRule(ring) by the library author, where ring is one of ℕ, ℤ, or ℚ.
  3. Get all of the user conclusions with attribute .by equal to algebra.
  4. For each such conclusion, $e$, see if it has a lurchNotation attribute, and let $s$ be its content (should be a string).
  5. Do a simple regex check to ensure that $s$ is of the form LHS=RHS where LHS and RHS do not contain =, and mark it as return if it doesn’t because we only allow identities for now.
  6. Ask the CAS to evaluate simplify(LHS-RHS). If it returns $0$, mark the validation result for algebra on $e$ to valid. Otherwise set it to invalid.
  7. Either way, insert an instantiation of the form :{ e } after the Arithmetic rule found in step 2.

Instantiate (for $n$-compact validation)

  1. Get the set of propositions, E, in the user’s document.
  2. Get the set, F, of all unfinished formulas with any max weenies.
  3. For each f in F,
    1. Match each maximally weeny p in f to each e in E.
    2. Every time a match is found.
      1. Create the instantiation.
      2. Insert it after f.
      3. Update its Proper Names.
      4. Store f in its .rule attribute.
      5. Add e to it’s .creators list.
      6. Make it a given and a LDE CI.
      7. Rename its bound variables.
      8. Mark its declared constants.
      9. Cache its domain information.
      10. If it contains metavariables, mark it asA Part with .ignore true.
      11. Otherwise mark it as an Inst with no .ignore attribute.
  4. Mark f as .finished. It cannot be instantiated again on future passes because while the number of available formulas can go up on each pass, the set of user expressions E cannot.
  5. Iterate until every instantiation attempt has been exhausted.

Propositionally Validate Everything

  1. to validate the entire document at this point we just compute its propositional form and ask SAT if it is a tautology
  2. define an inference to be any claim expression or environment in the document, all of whose ancestors are claims, and have a propositional form
  3. to validate a particular inference in the document the prop form computation ignores anything that is not relevant to the propositional validation of the inference (for example anything not accessible to it)
  4. to validate every inference in the document, first validate the entire document - if it is valid mark every inference as valid and we are done
  5. if not valid recurse on the children - any valid child can have all of its inferences marked as valid immediately, and invalid ones are recursed into and their children checked until the everything is checked

Preemie Check

  1. If the document contains any inference Let environments, fetch them and sort them by the number of Lets in their scope so we can check them from the inside out
  2. for each such Let validate it’s parent as a preemie
    1. if it’s not already validated propositionally, check it, and don’t check it for preemies unless it is valid by n-compact
    2. check if it is still propositionally valid when its Let is deleted and all occurrences of the symbols it declares in either the scope of the deleted Let or instantiations that do not themselves have their own copy of Let use their ordinary symbol name instead of their ProperName (i.e., instantiation proper names are ignored for symbols that have the same .text name as one of the symbols in the deleted Let but aren’t in the scope of a declaration of that symbols that is, itself, inside the instantiation)
    3. if it is no longer propositionally valid, it is a preemie, so mark it and all of its ancestors as a preemie
    4. to narrow down specifically what inside the Let environment is a preemie, check all of it’s conclusions to see if they are a preemie, and mark all of their ancestors as one if one or more is found.

This completess the validation algorithm.


Any LC in a document can have two kinds of attributes - LC attributes and ordinary js attributes. This validation algorithm uses many different attributes of both kinds to carry out its work in addition to those already defined for all LCs. Attributes which must be supplied by the user are saved as LC attributes as part of the document content. Attributes which can be computed from the user’s content are stored in js attributes. There are exceptions to this however, because the LC.copy() function only copies LC attributes, not js attributes, so sometimes we use an LC attribute when having that functionality available makes the code simpler or is necessary.

LC Attributes

The following attributes set the type of the LC.

In addition, these LC attributes store a value.

js Attributes

The following js attributes store data that is computed from the user’s content, and needed for validation and reporting feedback.