Freek Wiedijk maintains a list tracking progress of theorem provers formalizing 100 classic theorems in mathematics. On this page we collect all of the proofs on that list that we have formalized in Lurch to date.
Since Lurch supports proofs in any context, deciding what actually constitutes a formalization of one of the proofs is not obvious. For example, one can simply add each of the 100 theorems to the context of a Lurch document as a rule and they will all be 'proven' trivially.
To address this, we self-impose our own standard for what qualifies. Consistent with Lurch's philosophy, we consider a theorem to be proved by Lurch if the proof contains, at minimum, the level of detail you might find for the proof of that theorem in a textbook, spotting all of the other details as part of the context. Citing a proof of the theorem in a textbook or other valid source can certify that this criteria has been met.
The following table is reproduced from here (if there is a newer version of that page let me know). A green check mark ( ✔︎ ) in the first column indicates that Lurch has proved the theorem listed, while a yellow question mark ( ? ) indicates that it has not.
Click on a completed theorem to open its proof in Lurch.
Status: ✔︎ 1 proof verified, ? 99 unverified
Done | # | Theorem | Author | Date |
✔︎ | 1 | The Irrationality of the Square Root of 2 | Pythagoras and his school | 500 B.C. |
? | 2 | Fundamental Theorem of Algebra | Karl Frederich Gauss | 1799 |
? | 3 | The Denumerability of the Rational Numbers | Georg Cantor | 1867 |
? | 4 | Pythagorean Theorem | Pythagoras and his school | 500 B.C. |
? | 5 | Prime Number Theorem |
Jacques Hadamard and Charles-Jean de la Vallee Poussin
1896 |
? | 6 | Godel’s Incompleteness Theorem | Kurt Godel | 1931 |
? | 7 | Law of Quadratic Reciprocity | Karl Frederich Gauss | 1801 |
? | 8 | The Impossibility of Trisecting the Angle and Doubling the Cube | Pierre Wantzel | 1837 |
? | 9 | The Area of a Circle | Archimedes | 225 B.C. |
? | 10 |
Euler’s Generalization of Fermat’s Little Theorem
(Fermat’s Little Theorem) |
Leonhard Euler
(Pierre de Fermat) |
(1640) |
? | 11 | The Infinitude of Primes | Euclid | 300 B.C. |
? | 12 | The Independence of the Parallel Postulate | Karl Frederich Gauss, Janos Bolyai, Nikolai Lobachevsky, G.F. Bernhard Riemann collectively | 1870-1880 |
? | 13 | Polyhedron Formula | Leonhard Euler | 1751 |
? | 14 | Euler’s Summation of 1 + (1/2)^2 + (1/3)^2 + …. | Leonhard Euler | 1734 |
? | 15 | Fundamental Theorem of Integral Calculus | Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz | 1686 |
? | 16 | Insolvability of General Higher Degree Equations | Niels Henrik Abel | 1824 |
? | 17 | DeMoivre’s Theorem | Abraham DeMoivre | 1730 |
? | 18 | Liouville’s Theorem and the Construction of Trancendental Numbers | Joseph Liouville | 1844 |
? | 19 | Four Squares Theorem | Joseph-Louis Lagrange | 1770 |
? | 20 | All Primes Equal the Sum of Two Squares | ? | ? |
? | 21 | Green’s Theorem | George Green | 1828 |
? | 22 | The Non-Denumerability of the Continuum | Georg Cantor | 1874 |
? | 23 | Formula for Pythagorean Triples | Euclid | 300 B.C. |
? | 24 | The Undecidability of the Coninuum Hypothesis | Paul Cohen | 1963 |
? | 25 | Schroeder-Bernstein Theorem | ? | ? |
? | 26 | Leibnitz’s Series for Pi | Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz | 1674 |
? | 27 | Sum of the Angles of a Triangle | Euclid | 300 B.C. |
? | 28 | Pascal’s Hexagon Theorem | Blaise Pascal | 1640 |
? | 29 | Feuerbach’s Theorem | Karl Wilhelm Feuerbach | 1822 |
? | 30 | The Ballot Problem | J.L.F. Bertrand | 1887 |
? | 31 | Ramsey’s Theorem | F.P. Ramsey | 1930 |
? | 32 | The Four Color Problem | Kenneth Appel and Wolfgang Haken | 1976 |
? | 33 | Fermat’s Last Theorem | Andrew Wiles | 1993 |
? | 34 | Divergence of the Harmonic Series | Nicole Oresme | 1350 |
? | 35 | Taylor’s Theorem | Brook Taylor | 1715 |
? | 36 | Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem | L.E.J. Brouwer | 1910 |
? | 37 | The Solution of a Cubic | Scipione Del Ferro | 1500 |
? | 38 |
Arithmetic Mean/Geometric Mean
(Proof by Backward Induction) (Polya Proof) |
Augustin-Louis Cauchy George Polya |
? ? |
? | 39 | Solutions to Pell’s Equation | Leonhard Euler | 1759 |
? | 40 | Minkowski’s Fundamental Theorem | Hermann Minkowski | 1896 |
? | 41 | Puiseux’s Theorem | Victor Puiseux (based on a discovery of Isaac Newton of 1671) | 1850 |
? | 42 | Sum of the Reciprocals of the Triangular Numbers | Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz | 1672 |
? | 43 | The Isoperimetric Theorem | Jacob Steiner | 1838 |
? | 44 | The Binomial Theorem | Isaac Newton | 1665 |
? | 45 | The Partition Theorem | Leonhard Euler | 1740 |
? | 46 | The Solution of the General Quartic Equation | Lodovico Ferrari | 1545 |
? | 47 | The Central Limit Theorem | ? | ? |
? | 48 | Dirichlet’s Theorem | Peter Lejune Dirichlet | 1837 |
? | 49 | The Cayley-Hamilton Thoerem | Arthur Cayley | 1858 |
? | 50 | The Number of Platonic Solids | Theaetetus | 400 B.C. |
? | 51 | Wilson’s Theorem | Joseph-Louis Lagrange | 1773 |
? | 52 | The Number of Subsets of a Set | ? | ? |
? | 53 | Pi is Trancendental | Ferdinand Lindemann | 1882 |
? | 54 | Konigsberg Bridges Problem | Leonhard Euler | 1736 |
? | 55 | Product of Segments of Chords | Euclid | 300 B.C. |
? | 56 | The Hermite-Lindemann Transcendence Theorem | Ferdinand Lindemann | 1882 |
? | 57 | Heron’s Formula | Heron of Alexandria | 75 |
? | 58 | Formula for the Number of Combinations | ? | ? |
? | 59 | The Laws of Large Numbers | <many> | <many> |
? | 60 | Bezout’s Theorem | Etienne Bezout | ? |
? | 61 | Theorem of Ceva | Giovanni Ceva | 1678 |
? | 62 | Fair Games Theorem | ? | ? |
? | 63 | Cantor’s Theorem | Georg Cantor | 1891 |
? | 64 | L’Hopital’s Rule | John Bernoulli | 1696? |
? | 65 | Isosceles Triangle Theorem | Euclid | 300 B.C. |
? | 66 | Sum of a Geometric Series | Archimedes | 260 B.C.? |
? | 67 | e is Transcendental | Charles Hermite | 1873 |
? | 68 | Sum of an arithmetic series | Babylonians | 1700 B.C. |
? | 69 | Greatest Common Divisor Algorithm | Euclid | 300 B.C. |
? | 70 | The Perfect Number Theorem | Euclid | 300 B.C. |
? | 71 | Order of a Subgroup | Joseph-Louis Lagrange | 1802 |
? | 72 | Sylow’s Theorem | Ludwig Sylow | 1870 |
? | 73 | Ascending or Descending Sequences | Paul Erdos and G. Szekeres | 1935 |
? | 74 | The Principle of Mathematical Induction | Levi ben Gerson | 1321 |
? | 75 | The Mean Value Theorem | Augustine-Louis Cauchy | 1823 |
? | 76 | Fourier Series | Joseph Fourier | 1811 |
? | 77 | Sum of kth powers | Jakob Bernouilli | 1713 |
? | 78 | The Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality | Augustine-Louis Cauchy | 1814? |
? | 79 | The Intermediate Value Theorem | Augustine-Louis Cauchy | 1821 |
? | 80 | The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic | Euclid | 300 B.C. |
? | 81 | Divergence of the Prime Reciprocal Series | Leonhard Euler | 1734? |
? | 82 | Dissection of Cubes (J.E. Littlewood’s ‘elegant’ proof) | R.L. Brooks | 1940 |
? | 83 | The Friendship Theorem | Paul Erdos, Alfred Renyi, Vera Sos | 1966 |
? | 84 | Morley’s Theorem | Frank Morley | 1899 |
? | 85 | Divisibility by 3 Rule | ? | ? |
? | 86 | Lebesgue Measure and Integration | Henri Lebesgue | 1902 |
? | 87 | Desargues’s Theorem | Gerard Desargues | 1650 |
? | 88 | Derangements Formula | ? | ? |
? | 89 | The Factor and Remainder Theorems | ? | ? |
? | 90 | Stirling’s Formula | James Stirling | 1730 |
? | 91 | The Triangle Inequality | ? | ? |
? | 92 | Pick’s Theorem | George Pick | 1899 |
? | 93 | The Birthday Problem | ? | ? |
? | 94 | The Law of Cosines | Francois Viete | 1579 |
? | 95 | Ptolemy’s Theorem | Ptolemy | 120? |
? | 96 | Principle of Inclusion/Exclusion | ? | ? |
? | 97 | Cramer’s Rule | Gabriel Cramer | 1750 |
? | 98 | Bertrand’s Postulate | J.L.F. Bertrand | 1860? |
? | 99 | Buffon Needle Problem | Comte de Buffon | 1733 |
? | 100 | Descartes Rule of Signs | Rene Descartes | 1637 |